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((((I apologize for this taking so long, I hadn't found the time to type this))))
((I am also working on a new cover))

Alice took out a few things from her bag, including a wad of cash, a necklace, deodorant, a hanger, map, and a few credit cards. I assumed she'd use the hanger to pick the lock, which she did.
Took her less than 10 seconds to open the car, with not a single struggle. Impressive. She opened the door and got into the front seat. Stared at us for a few seconds before jumping over to the passenger's seat and opening the door in front of us.
"Getting in, or not?" she said, making a slight smirk even though she looked a bit annoyed.
"Mhm" said Adam nodding nervously (not that he'd nod any other say in front of her). She jumped back to the driver's seat and Adam sat down next to her in the passenger's seat. So it seems I have no choice but to accompany my stupid best friend and the princess of out school to California, all for the purpose of some stupid key. The plan generally was pointless and had no purpose what so ever but I'd do anything to escape, school and go on an adventure. So why not.
I got into the back seat, I stayed quiet and motionless. Seems like Adam and Alice had the same idea since there was an awkward silence, until Alice decided to break it.
"Okay so here's the plan" she said. She took out a large map of the country.
"First we need to get supplies"
"We have supplies" Adam said. He's right, she's got a bunch of crap in that bag.
"But not enough."
"Okay, so what supplies?"
"Well we need money-" she paused to look at the wad of cash.
"-more money."
I can't even imagine what she needed so much money for. The money she had (plus the credit cards) was already enough for gas, what else did she need money for?
"Let's go to the bank"
"You have a bank account?"
"No, but-" she paused. "-don't need one." Alice said. She took out the keys, which were conveniently stored in the cup holder, and turned on the car.
Alice took out a pen and marked a small dot near our city and wrote the word "bank". She writes quite small, and slightly round. It's almost like her handwriting is her (not as in round, she's anything but that), it represented her is every possible way. If you every saw that writing you'd know it belonged to someone like her, but the thing is there is no one like her. She was unique, the only one of her kind. So the writing only had one owner, her.
We got to the bank, no one was there of course, it was about 1 am.
"How are you going to get money?" I asked her.
"You'll see. Aye yo! Red head, follow me!" she said, jerking her head towards Adam.
"Uh, um okay" said Adam nervously, while stepping out of the car.
I stayed in the car alone for a few seconds, listening to the echo of Adam's voice saying "My name's um-"
"Um?-" said Alice. "-Hello Um, follow me!" I chuckled at that.
Adam picked up his pace and nearly fell over, "poor guy" I said to myself, while finally deciding to get out of the car. I walked to the front door of the bank, where Adam and Alice were standing. Alice took out the black box from her pocket. She opened up the box and took out, what I guess was, the Altoegang key. It looked a lot like any other standard key, except it was jet black and had no specific shapes at the end, but if you looked closely there were tons of number engraved into it. This is what I assume makes the key different from any other.
Alice put the key into the lock, and opened the door.
"You say here. Um, follow me!" she said, Adam followed. I stayed standing there for a few minutes before Alice and Adam came running through the door with tons of cash in their arms. "GO! GO! GO!" they both said. Alice handed me the money she had and we ran to the car, I could hear an alarm from the bank go off.
"That was fun", said Alice and Adam agreed.
All I could hear was all of us heavily breathing. Even me who only ran 10 yards was completely out of breath, I can't imagine how they are.
"So, what now " I said, I struggles to say this due to my lack of air.
"Bank" said Alice, she smirked.
"We just went to the bank." I say.
"I know." she turned over and winked at me, the same way she did earlier that day in science class, oh but wait it's past midnight, it's another day.
"Bank?" asked Adam.
"Yes, bank. You're a special one, aren't you Um?" Alice said, taking one hand off the wheel, running her fingers through Adam's hair.
"Another bank?" I ask.
"Oh dear" I whisper to myself.
Alice drove to the next closets bank, got out of the car with Adam and came running back with money. Then we went to another bank, and the same thing, and then another bank, and another, and another, and another.
The clock in the SUV read 4am and we, well Alice and Adam, had already managed to "rob" six banks in the area.
"That was the last one, now we need to leave the state" said Alice. Thankfully we lived by Winchester, which was not so far from the state border. This entire thing was honestly completely insane, I honestly don't care.

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