chapter 1/how it all started

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Izuku is 5 in the story for now

His “quirk” is called blood control which let's izuku control anyone, he'll get it soon in the story

He can only control one person at a time you'll understand what I mean soon, and a small thing is that he is able to make weapons or anything with his blood. The draw backs are that he gets light headed and very dizzy and something pass out. But it's mostly when he used it to much. Sorry about my terrible writing in the beginning. I'm fix my mistakes to hopefully help y'all understand more. :)

Izuku's POV

"mom? " "yes izuku? " "when will I find out what's my quirk? " my mom stayed silent for a while "soon ok" she smiled a bit. "oh ok? " I walked to my room to play with my all might action figures. I saw a new one, I grabbed it and looked at it for a while "hmm.. I wonder who this is? " the action figure had black hair with tired eyes and a white scarf. "it looks so familiar for some reason" I mumbled to myself. I started playing super heroes with the action figures.

I started getting bored after a while and looked outside the window. There was nothing much. Just a few other kids in my neighborhood playing on scooters, bikes, and skateboards. I wished I was out there playing with them. But my mom doesn't let me go outside without her permission or her watching me play.

I started walking around the house, avoiding the kitchen cause my mom was in there and if she finds me doing nothing and all bored she's gonna make me ‘wash the dishes or something.’ I sighed and walked into moms room. ‘It's all so clean and beautiful in here. And it smells like flowers! ’ I thought as I jumped onto my mom's bed

I love my mom's room. ‘Sometimes I ever fake that I'm sick or had a nightmare just to sleep next to her. I love my mom sooooo much. ’ I smiled. I then layed down on her bed and looked up at the ceiling and saw the reflection of a book on it. Huh. I followed the refection and found a not so hidden book.

It has a picture of a baby on it and the book it green. ‘Is this my baby book!?’ I jumped. It was a big and heavy book but I used my big boy arms to pick it up and place it on the bed. I quickly hopped on and opened the book. Inside there were a few pictures of my mom holding her belly. ‘What did she eat to have such a big belly!? ’ I giggled.

I then turned a few pages and found a picture with my mom and a random man touching her shoulder. ‘ I wonder how this man could be. Maybe my uncle or something. ’ but in the next page I realized that it was not and uncle. Cause she was kissing him!? Is that my dad!? I kept turning page until I got to the part where there was a random baby. Then another picture this what I think is my dad holding the baby..

Am I that baby? I mean obviously I am the baby cause it looks just like me. But it's weird to see how I look like as a baby. I then found a picture of what I think is me and my dad, and my mom. I looked so happy. Everyone did. I took that photo out of the slot and put it in my pocket.

I kept looking then found a picture of me and another baby? I started at the picture. It's KACCHAN!!. Awwww he's so cute!! I giggled. I took that one too. I'mma embarrass him with the picture when I see him. Everyone is so happy in these pictures.

I wish everyone can be this happy now. I heard foot steps coming to mom's room and quickly picked up the book with all the strength I had left in me and placed the book back where it was. Then ran on moms bed and acted asleep.

“swettie do you know were I felt my-" she stayed slient. I heard foot steps walking behide me and flinched. Mom saw the reaction and picked me up and dropped me onto her bed. "OK OK I'M AWAKE! ” she laughed and patted my head.

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