explaining the "quirk" and story

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Blood control explanation

So the way that izuku's quirk works is that rn it matters with how he feeling emotionally. And that's why he couldn't stop this quirk, he didn't want anyone around him cause he was scared. In the beginning it was out of anger and protection. And after the realized what he's done, he could control it. Depending on the blood type, his able to control his victims easily. It's kinda hard if it's in the negatives. But the main thing about his quirk is that he's able to extract blood from himself and others and harden the blood like vlad! I thinks that's how you spell his name.. I got inspired by him! So that's why it's a blood qurik.

Blood poisoning

I'm also adding this thing called 'blood poisoning ' and the only way it can be affected it's if izuku touches his victims.

There's different types of blood poisoning poison. There's some where he can make the victim fall asleep, make them sick, throw up, throw up blood, make them have a drunk type of effect, and a ect. It's kinda way to powerful to I can take a few things way to make I't fair if you want. But as always there's draw backs

The draw backs

His draw backs is what makes me think it's fair for the blood poisoning but it feels to powerful for him so yeah.

One of the draw backs is that if he uses the throw up blood, sick, losing blood, or blood control (his quirks name) a lot and pass his limit, he can too throw up blood and cough blood. Aka just like karma but worse ig. Another one is if he uses the drunk or affected he get very light headed. And if he uses the victim sleeping one a lot he well get very tired.

Further ideas?

Wanna do this story at my own pace and if I us 'i' a lot tell me please I'm just starting to write stories so I'm very shittly at writing stories.

So like I said I wanna take is on my own pace and I wanna do it like some what the anime. I wanna follow the store line and all the stuff happening in it. I haven't been watching all the anime I've only watch up to season 4. And my WiFi is very bad rn so I can't continue watch it.

I started this story with is childhood just like the anime. I might write one more chapter until I skip to him being in middle school. I'll start putting trigger warnings so no one gets hurt. I might add one of my oc's here just as a side character to help this story. I also realized that I make each chapter like 1000 words long which is kinda to short for me so I'll fix that making longer chapters.

So I will add the USJ, the ua thingy where they do the changes and stuff, the camp trip but they'll be saving someone else 👀, saving eri, and that ua school festival thing. Oh yeah and that bakugo and izuku fight, and the doom dis- YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN! So yeah I'll be added all this things into the story.

AND! I have a new book called "in the waves".. I think y'all should check that out. Well it's kinda worse that is one so I don't know if you wanna read it.


ANYWAYS!! If you actually read all of this.. I love you 🤧. If you have questions about the quirk, further story, or about anything else I would love to answer your questions or just side comments. As always, eat water and slurp food.

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