chapter 7/new friends?

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𝐈𝐳𝐮𝐤𝐮 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐬 𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠

Tsukauchi POV

I'm not a fan of leaving a kid with this people. The the living room smelled like alcohol and a hole bunch of febreze. Lavender to be exact. Once me and aizawa left we heard walking and talking. They probably talking to him or something. I can get over the bad feeling that somethings gonna happen I don't trust them but I can really do anything else. I told midoriya about the meds so he should be fine.

Izuku's POV

once those two guys left the man's smiles turned into evil smiles. The man grabbed a chair and told me to sit. So I did and he tide me up. " we got a few rules if your gonna live here. Number one! Call me sir and call her miss! Got in!? " he screamed it in my face. "yes s-sir" he smacked me " IT'S SIR AND ONLY SIR!! GOT THAT!? " " Y-yes s-sir! " "good now number 2! Don't do that stutter. That's annoying! " "yes s-sir" he punched in the stomach. I wasn't able to breathe.. I have the taste of blood in my mouth.. I hate this so much.. "NO STUTTERING! GOT THAT!? " " yes sir" some blood was leaking from my mouth, I could smell it. It wasn't a good smell.

" disgusting.. Clean your self up kid" " yes sir" I said weakly "it's all your fault kid! THAT MY SISTERS DEAD! YOU FUCKING MONSTER! " he slapped my and punched me in the stomach again. I screamed and tried to kick him. I did the dumbest ever.. I'm tied u-.. My vision grew darker the more a was awake. So I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

When I woke up, I'm in pain I can't feel my back, my stomach hurts when I try to move, and I have a bad headache. I wanna leave.. I noticed how I was untied so I used all my strength to at least sit up. It took me a while to be able to walk to the door. When I tried to open the door I felt a triable feeling "o-ow! " I whisper. " ah look who decided to wake up! Where do you think your going!? "

he grabbed me by the shoulder and I flinched in pain. "I was wondering if I could go t-to the p-park? " he slapped me. And I felt a few tears growing on my eyes. " you can... You need to change and fix that ugly face of yours. Go to your mom she'll fix you up" " yes sir. Thank you sir! " "whatever kid. Your lucky I took my pills if not I would of don't worse than a slap kid.

I walked around to find a- mom drinking. " m-miss? " I slowly walked up to her. " the fuck do you want? " " un- d-dad told me I can go to the park.. C-can you help me change. And fix my f-faces? please? " "whatever" she grabbed me by the hand and took me to a sute case. "pick something kid"

" ok! " I picked an all might shirt, some shorts and my red shoes. Mom helped me put the clothes on. "Thank you m-miss! " " no problem kid stay safe and come back at dinner time your dad usually won't let you eat but I'll make you something. Don't get any candy from stranger ok? " " thank you again miss! " "Call me mom when your dad's not round ok kid? " "ok m-mom. Then call me izuku when he isn't here" " ok then izuku, bye" she waved at me and I waved back as I leave the house.

I walk to the park me and kaachan always play at.. Wait.. K-kacchan! Where is he!? I run around. I know this place. I see kaachans house and see that all the lights are off. They probably went grocery shopping or something.. I walk back to the park and played in the playground. I was pretending to be all might. It was pretty fun but.. I was alone so I got bored easily..

There was a small birthday party happening in the other side of the park so I went to go say happy birthday. I know I won't know that person but it's nice to say happy birthday to someone one they're day. It makes them happy. I looked to see a that it's a boy like around my age. And another one. The first boy had a party hat, his hair was yellow and there was a small black lightning bolt on his hair, he was wearing a Pikachu shirt and black pants. The other one had purple hair, he had Mismagius Gengar plushys, a black shirt and pants.

The yellow haired boy looked at me. I froze up. I wasn't able to move. He got off of his chair then the other boy followed him. "hey! " the yellow boy said "do you want to join us!? We got cake and candy!"I stay quite for a bit. Then I realized he was talking to me.. "u-uh s-sure? " didn't mom said to not take candy from strangers?. "oh I forgot! My name's kaminari denki and his name is shinsou hitoshi! What's yours!? " I was to scared to talk.. But I have to say something! "m-my name's midoriya I-Izuku" I said quietly. "oooh nice name! " "t-thanks" "k-kami? " "yeah? Toshi? " "c-can we eat cake now I'm hungry! " denki laughed and said sure. I got some cake. It was so good. I said thank you to them and walked but home.

The sunset looked so beautiful. I love times like these.. I walk by kacchans house the living rooms light is on. But.. I don't want to disturb.. I see that the sun is almost down so I paniced and ran home..


1013 words. Yes amazing I know.

((1001 words. :) ))

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