chapter 11/huge problem

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I then started cutting.

Izuku POV

The knife wasn't doing it's job every well. The process was very slow. Very painfully slow. I stopped cutting with that knife and used a different one. But that knife was already in 1/4 of the wings. It burned badly and it was making a bloodly mess. I quickly grabbed a sharper knife and slice the wing off. I regreted it though as the wing started to heal quickly.

Once I took out the knife it healed completly. It wasn't bleeding out or nothing. I was very confused. I'm gonna have to go back. And quickly. But, how? These wings are too big to hide. And it's illegal to use a quirk without a licence. I might have to fly illegally. I just hope that they don't see me. I grabbed the food that my mom left outside and ate it. It was really good, but I sadly couldn't just go outside just yet.

The best time for me to go to that store would be at 9 or 10 pm. The store closes at 12pm so I should be good. It's only 5pm so I'll have too wait a while. That got me thinking of the past. 'I don't remember much, The only thing I remember was the day I.. Um. I .. Nevermind. Lets see. My mom. She's an amzing and hard working woman! And I love her for taking care of me.

I can't really said much about my dad. He's been more distent yet less mean to mom and me. I remember back then. He wasn't much of a nice father. Hitting, kicking, and throwing me was all he ever did to me and mom. Well. Also yelling at us. Especally my mom. I feel so bad on how much his treating her.

I can't help but feel like this is all my fault. It's my fault that they act. No, are like this to each other because I always hear them arguing about me. With stuff like. "WHY DO DID WANT TO FUCKING KEEP HIM!?", "HE'S JUST ANOTHER USELESS MOUTH TO FEED!" or "YOU SHOULD OF SAID NO SO THEY COULD TAKE HIM AWAY!" I haven't heard him yell at mom in a while though. Thankfully

But. What does he mean but that? I also feel like I don't belong to this family. I belive that somewhere, I have a family I belong too. And that this isn't my path. Now that I think about it. I have to see which high school I want to go to. I want I apply to UA but I'm worried that I won't make it, or I'll get injured very badly.

I wouldn't want to be in the hospital. I'll just be wastie of time and money. Many if I'm able to control this.. quirk? Then I'll be able to use it when I try out. Wouldn't that be cheating thought? I'm not a fan of that, I would take off a person who could be an amazing hero.'

I looked out side to see that it started getting dark outside. I should to learn how to fly if I am going over there. I looked outside my room to see if anyone was there. Nope, no one. My mom must be asleep, and my dad is gonna be late. I quickly walked to the backyard, after I put my shoes on. I extended them to see a pair of big green wings. They were kinda trickle to handle at first, but after getting the hang of it, I was able to get myself off the ground.

Cool! I smiled at my achievement and started practicing how to move around. I fell a couple of time but I did it. It seem to already be 8 or 9 pm, the sun was gone and then only thing that was left was the beatyfull giant blue and purple sky above me. I walked to the front making sure that no one was there.

It was emety with cars filling a up the street. I then made it to the side walk and stared that the floor. 'If I have to fly for a long period of time or to get to the mall then I would have to gain momentum to be able to fly faster. I don't want to make myself notice able and standout so I'll just run for a bit then open my wings and fly up. No to high but not to low. Just in the right place.' I mumbled. I started running down the side walk after a bit of momentum I open my wings and started flying up high.

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