chapter 10/job?

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I walk out of the house to go to the area where there are a lot of stores. I felt something inside me for a moment. I'm not sure how to describe this feeling but it was.. Sad? Or maybe even depressing? I did really like this feeling yet lately I've been feeling this way a lot. I'm not sure why thought but I just hopes it goes away

Izuku's POV

I looked around to see if I can buy anything for my mom. I feel like she'll like that. But I'm not sure what else she likes cause her favorite thing is cigarette. And I'm not old enough to buy that. I could try but I'll probably get in very big trouble. And my family it already in so much trouble. I try to get out of there way but my father always blame stuff on me or my mom.

He once made me get house arrest for no reason. But I didn't mind cause I never go anywhere. But the bad part is that it's on my record now so if I tried to get into a high school I'll probably get rejected or something. Or even just trying to get a job. I should get a job cause what ever I'm trying to get my mom. It will probably cost way more than what I had on me.

Maybe I should get her.. Um.. A new uh. Necklace??. Sigh. I just don't know what woman like this days... Wait. Mom is always talk about birth stones and crystals. She seems to really like that stuff. I started looking in shops and little store. Mostly it was just too expensive or it there wasn't her birth stone. My mom's is a ruby, like mine! I think that's the stone's name.

I started to give up until I felt a hand touch my shoulder. "Excuse me young man? To look like your trying to find something. May I be of assistance? " I looked to see to it was. It was just an old lady. "U-um.. Thank you.. I need help finding a bracelet for my mom. But I don't have a lot on me right now. " "oh how wonderful! Do you want just a bracelet with the normal beads or something like birth stones? "

"Yeah. The birth stones. " "ok! Come with me. " For an old lady, she is fast. The area started to look junglish? A lot of leaves on the walls. Also the air feels.. Moist? I followed her into a store where the light were dimmed and so much stuff about crystals, dreamcatchers, and bottles. Lots of glass bottles. She told me to wait and that she'll be right back. I started to look around.

I kinda like how this place makes me feel. So calm and relaxed, and stress free. I started to look at the crystals. There were so may of them. All in different shapes and sizes. Some were very smooth, but some were sharp and stiffened. But not to sharp. I walked to the bottles. Some of them had something in them. "I see you really like my shop son. " I flinched. "I'm sorry! I didn't think you would be startled that bad! Please forgive me. "

I look to see that it was the old lady. "Y-you shouldn't be the only apologies. I should. I'm sorry! I was just looking at the stuff. " "thank you. And no it's not your fault at all. I appreciate that your here already. I'm glad that you like what I did with the place. " "wait, is this your home? " " not really. I do sleep and practically do everything here. But I work here too. And I go to my real home normally to go clean up the place.

My grandson lives there. He needed that place more than I did. Poor thing... But. I guess you can call this place my home. " ".. I love t-.. Your home miss. " "oh please young man. " she giggle to herself. "I know I'm old. Just call me grandma! " she patted my head and gave me a box. A big box. "Thank you m- grandma! But I only asked for a bracelet for my mother not a hole group of friends. " "I know young man! " she laugh. "I meant to give you this big box! "

"Why is that? " "this is a special box! Cause I know how hard it is to live in a world where people need to have power quriks to be able to survive. And just by looking at you. You look qurikless. I'm sorry but you look like it. " ".. It's. True. " "but with this special bracelet, it's like you have a qurik! " "oh.. " "yup! Trust me! Here try mine on! But be careful. " he handed me one of her many bracelet. I moved to an area where I have enough space to move. I put it on and felt a tingling but that was it.

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