chapter 9/Old memories

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No one's POV

It's been days. No, weeks since izuku woke up. Only a few people know what happened. Like the driver of the car, the doctors, and nurses. But katsuki saw it with his own eyes, only being able to watch cause of how terrified he was.

Something katsuki will remember up to his days when he dies. The way he cried out to izuku after what had happened. You'll may have wondered ‘what happened to katsuki to make him so traumatized? ’ he saw his own best friend get hit by a car.. Or a truck, but that didn't matter to him. He's best friend since they were practically in diapers.

Not only that. But izuku's blood was oozing out like if it needed to come out. Then he saw the blood moves around like if it was alive. Katsuki almost threw up at this point, but couldn't. All he could do was stand there and cry.

After a while of crying, he looked up at izuku to see that he was no longer bleeding out.? In fact he didn't have the pool of blood all over him like earlier. Katsuki ran towards izuku and barley was able to pick him up cause of how weak and sad he felt. Even though izuku was bleeding no longer, you can still smell the smell of blood. The iron smell was in the air.

Yet what felt like hours to katsuki, it was only 10 seconds. The guy in the car came out and apologize and panicked. He didn't know what to do, that didn't matter to katsuki right now all that matters was if izuku was ok.

What got katsuki attention though was when the man said that he can take him to the hospital in his car and tried to take izuku away from katsuki. At that moment katsuki felt lots of emotions going threw him. Anger, sadness, frustration, pain, but one thing that kept him from going into absolute madness right there was

‘protect zuzu’

‘don't let this old man take him away from you’

Protect zuzu’

‘carry him to the hospital yourself’


Katsuki wiped his tears away and piggy backed izuku. “w-wait kid! It's faster if I just drive him there! ” katsuki stared at the man for two seconds. He gave him the death stare, flipped him off and told him to go to hell, and ran off without even telling the teacher or anything. Just for a second katsuki felt cool. He felt like a cool person cause he just ran away from old people.

Then he realized he ran away from old people, and that he has izuku on his back. Katsuki remembers where the hospital was cause of the last time he tried to visit izuku at the hospital but they didn't let him. ‘NO WAY IN HELL AM I LETTING THEM TAKE MY ZUZU AWAY FROM ME!! I'LL FORCEFULLY GO IN EVEN IF IT MEANS I HAVE TO BREAK MY ARM!!.. Again! ’

Katsuki start getting tried from running and wanted to stop but didn't. He couldn't! His zuzu was counting on him and he wasn't gonna stop running until he gets here. At one point he had to stop cause it was red light for him but he didn't care. He did stop a little to check if is was safe to run across.

Once he saw only a few car were coming but they were far away he dashed across th road. Katsuki was almost there. He could see the big sign that said hospital almost right in front of him. Then he tripped. Which caused him to get a big scrap on his face. He made sure though that izu fell on him. Then he quickly got him on his back a ran inside.

Katsuki saw a lady just standing there doing nothing and yelled at her."HEY OLD LADY!! MY FRIEND IS DIYING AND YOU'RE NOT DOING ANYTHING TO HELP DAMN IT!!" She gave me a pissed look but quickly picked up izuku a opened a door.

She placed him on one of those beds that have wheels on the bottom and called some other nurses. Katsuki was nervous on what would happen to him. His best friend. Sadly there was no sign of him waking up soon. It's been 2 weeks. And he was in a dream like state.

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