Chapter 13/I don't get it

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Izuku's POV

I heard a knock at my door and almost immediately knew who it was, kacchan was here. I slowly stood up and walked over to the door. Before I opened it though, I waved goodbye to my mom and left. I carefully opened the door and walked out. I saw him. I felt my heart flutter as he looked at me in the eyes.

"You ready?" he asked, breaking the silence. He woke me up from my zone out. "Oh.. Yeah, I'm ready." I mumbled softly, I couldn't handle his gaze. His blood red eyes were staring into my soul and practically eating my eyes out, my dark yet soft green eyes meet with his harsh.

"Already then. Come on, let's go. We're already gonna be late if all we do is just stand here." he murmured as he was the first one to break eye contact, it kinda hurt but he was right. If we'd just stand here— we'd be late. So I started following kacchan as he started walking away. The eye contact felt like the best thing ever.

Even though it was less than around thirty seconds, it still felt like I was starting at him for hours.. If he would give me the chance, I would stare at his red eyes for days.. Weeks... Months?. He's so beautiful as well, he has the perfect soft skin and a nice light skin tone. But it was a little more darker than usual, it isn't anything bad. I know why his looking like this, he told me a few days ago that he was working up for UA.

So he's been working out.. It feeling like there's nothing he can't do. He's perfect in everything he does. Whether it's as simple as walking or his daily workouts, his perfect... But... Should I be feeling this way? I can't be feeling this way.. I don't understand why I'm feeling this way.. I can't be feeling this way.. But.. Will he except my feelings? Or will he just think I'm wired?

I'm mainly worried about how my parents will react to my feelings for him as a boy myself. I'm not so worried with my mom.. But with my father, it's another story. He's not so nice with stuff like with, where a boy likes another boy or a girl likes another girl. He hates it, always calling them slurs and making them as uncomfortable as possible. I always hated it when he did this..

But it's not like I could ever do something about it. I once tried to defend a couple while we were in public, he first started with his 'woman should only like men' and that they are 'a discrimination towards human nature' as he usually starts. He eventually began to stay disgusting things about the lesbians, I felt uncomfortable even though he wasn't telling it to me.

Once he started stayed they should be r*pped that's when I crossed the line. I stood in front of the poor couple and spoke my mind to him. At that time I didn't realize the consequences I would face with I get home. It was either I just let this happen or I helped them out. He was surprised on how brave I was to even speak up to him.

But he knew how to deal with me. Once we got home he practically threw me to the wall. He then proceeded to punch the hell out of my body, mainly my chest. He left me with bruises and my mouth tasting like blood. He told me that if I'd ever try to defend someone like them or if I turn out liking guys, he'll personally shoot my brains out.

That's why I'm so nervous about feeling this way.. I like kacchan.. But I don't wanna die.. Well, not by him at least... I still wanna be alive. "The weather is getting hotter, isn't it?" kacchan broke the silence again like he always does. ". Yeah, it's cause it's near the end of the school year. End of spring" I said, trying my best to hid the fact that I was feeling hot around him. "So what high school are you going to?" he asked.

It's obvious that he doesn't wanna keep the awkward silence, but I didn't mind the small talk. "I don't really know yet.. I heard that UA is starting to take quirkless students. So I might try" I mumbled the last part, I honestly was kinda nervous. "Yeah, I heard that to. That'd be nice" he replied, I slowly nod my head. "I don't recommend trying to be in the fighting courses. You're not fit for that, and it's way to dangerous for you"

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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