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⚠️ Fluffy, kiss, stalker 🤨

"...You're annoying and I don't have any feelings for you."

You woke up and gasp in the air. You often dream about him saying the same thing to you. You aren't complaining since you really miss to see him in person. But the words he says in the dream bring you a really bad memories.

Him, the guys named Sano Manjiro and known as Mikey. Your first love and crush in middle school. You knew that he has been mentioned over the news for being a criminal with a leader position in Bonten Gang.

You take a glance at the clock. It was now 8a.m in the morning. And you're late for teaching in school.

" Shit! " You stand up and go to take a shower.

You're rushing to the door because you're late as fuck. Then, as you opened the door , a guy with blonde hair, tall, muscular and hot stood in front of you and freeze as if he was about knock the door. He is your boyfriend, Miya Atsumu.

You're not toying his heart. You like him but not as much as you like Mikey before. You still trying to forget him by starting to date with Atsumu.

" OH! Good morning babe!"

" AH! good morning Tsumu. I'm pretty late now. Why are you here?"

" We promised last week. We'll go to school together today since I have to be there for volleyball events"

" I'm sorry. I literally forgot about that. Let's go now. Shall we?"

" Yes. I will drive!"

" Alrighty!"

Tsumu being the gentlemen guy as he is. He holds your hand and leads you to the passenger sit to open the door for you then close it gently.

Other person's POV

*On the phone*

" they're just holding hands like they used to for the past week. I have sent the photo I took this morning."

" I see. you sure there is no other physical contact?" A voice with serious tune.

" YES!" the man be sweating as he is scared for his life.

" I'll trust you. Keep an eye on them. Take more photos."



" Finally! I'm sorry for being a trouble for you."

" It's okay I like it though when we spend more time together."

" But... how about your event?"

" Oh, it will start in half an hour."

" Right, so... I will get going first. See you in recess time. I will come to see you there"

" I will wait!" He smiles and wave at you.

Recess time

"You're here"

" Yeah. How's the event going?"

" Nothing much. It would be much better if you're here with me."

You blushed by his sweet word to you as you can hear the student murmuring.

" Miss L/N is dating with the MSBY volleyball player?"
"She is lucky though he is so hot"
" They're both lucky, Miss L/N is hot too and so pretty. I wish she is teaching my class."

" Why are you blushing, hm?"

" Stop teasing me Tsumu." you whispered to him.

" Can I... send you home tonight?" He said while reaching out your hand.

" Sure thing." You said as you tuck your hairs behind your ear. It only make it obvious to see your cheeck still red with the embarassment. So you undo it but get stopped by him.

" Don't. I like to see your red face. It's cute."

" Uh so.. Thank you for giving me a ride today"

" No problem. I'm your boyfriend after all."

" Y-yeah.. so I guess I will go inside.. bye!"

Before you can turn around to your door house Atsumu stops you by gripping your hand.

" W-what?"

"Can I kiss you?"

" S-sure"

" I thought you will be mad at me. Then.."

Atsumu comes close to you and his lips met yours. You kiss him back slowly and the kiss getting more passionately when he started to grip your waist and pull your head to deepen the kiss.

"Mmph-.." Y/N shuts her eyes as the little moan comes out from her lips when her lower lips gets a bite asking for entrance from Atsumu. Y/N allows him so. The super long kiss that wasn't intended make both of them panted and broke the kiss to catch the air.

"Thanks babe. Don't forget about our date tomorrow." He said while he admires your lips

Other person's POV

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" Hoo.. He has the nerve to do that to my woman.. proceed what I have said if he crossed the line."

" Roger boss."


What a long day. I have to report things double. Even if it's tiring, I got double-paid from different person.

I thought and sighed while sending a report to another client.


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