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The next day

He didn't pick up my call. Not even a single message. Did he forgot that we were supposed to have a date today?. You thought.

Then all of sudden you heard someone ringing the bell. You are quite suprise with the ringing bell beacuse you never expect anyone would come other than Atsumu today.

" Is this kinda suprise since he didn't inform me that he's coming" You mumbled.

You opened the door revealed a stranger guy wearing an all black with a cap. The guy looks more likely to be a kidnapper or dangerous people.

" Excuse me, you have to follow me. I was order NOT to take you by force."

" Who are you? I- I think you've mistaken a person or house."

" No. I'm here for Miss Y/N."

Your eyes widdened and you trying to take one step back and slammed the door as hard as you coul. Yet the guy is stronger because he can stop you from closing the door.

" Wait. If you don't wanna get hurt, please do as I say Miss."

" What the hell?! I'm not gonna come with you!"

You ran to get your handphone to call the police. As you trying to unlock your phone....

The guy puts a poisonous cloth on your mouth to make you unconcious so he can easily bring you to his employer.

3 hours later

You woke up and slowly open your eyes. All you could see are your hands and leg are not tied as if you've not kidnapped by the guy. The room also not as bad as you thought it would be. The room looks spacious, delux and expensive. And you were laying on the couch just now and sit on it as you got confuse why you were brought here.

The door opened reveal a guy with a mullet pink hair. The same guy you've seen in news because he is a criminal and a member of 'his' gang.

" Oh! She has wake up boss."

" Hm? Leave us."

" Roger boss."

A husky voice you heard when someone replied to the guy. You're scared as fuck because you've someone in your mind if they are related.

The white hair guy comes in. The guy you've been crush on. The guy who rejected you before. The guy who you've seen as a criminal in news and owned a gang named Bonten. The guy is Sano Manjiro or known as Mikey.

Your eyes widdened and your body trembled since you just meet him in person for the first time in a while.

He stood there admiring you while you tilt down your head to avoid making eye contact.

" You're not gonna greet me, Y/N?"


" You seem so unhappy to be here. I thought you miss me" He said with a smirked on his lips.

You stay silent because you don't want to talk to him. The pain and the embarassing moment when he rejects you still haunting you.

He walks to the couch infront of you to sit and crossing his legs and before he talks to you. He sighed and said..

" You're in Bonten hideout. I want you stay with me starting for now."

WHAT??!!! He just straight to the point. He just does what he wants!!
you thought.

" What if I refuse?" I asked.

" Hoo... You know I'm capable to do anything. I don't accept your refusal."

" I said I don't-"

" Ah.. How about the guy you supposed to have on date today?~ Is he named Aduma? Adumu?"

" His name is Atsumu. How do you -"

" Wow! You even correct his name. You really like him huh? Should I just kill him? 'cause he steals you from me."

" WHA-"

" I have him somewhere."

" Don't harm him!"

" You... seem to enjoy the kiss you had with him last night."

" So you stalk me?"

" I don't. I order people to do so technically I am."
He acts proud.

He is still the same Mikey I know.. You thought.

"So..." He looks at you with a serious look and eyes darting you.

"... If you want me to let him go. You must live with me. By any means, you have to break up with him and all I want or get in the end is you."

" Is there any choice I can have other than with you?"

He slammed the desk between our couch with his palm.

" Do you want me to kill him and make you mine by force?" He looks at you with an intense look.

I take back my words... He has changed. You thought.

" F-fine!. I will do as you say. Just let him go first!"

" Look. How easy it is just to say that word. "

He takes out his phone from his pocket and call his employee.

" Let him go and threats him not to report to the police."

" Will do as you order, boss."


He throws his phone next to him then look at your figure.

" Now, what should I do to you.. my Y/N."

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