[ 4 ]

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3 days passes.

" I'm home~"

Mikey said in a flirting way while going upstairs. He opened the door reveal you taking a nap with a towel wrap your body.

You woke up to the sound of the clicked door.

" You're homed..." You said while rubbing your eyes.

She's so adoreable! I don't think I can refrain myself anymore. Mikey thought.

He comes closer to you as he sits beside you playing with your hair. " Baby... Why do you only wear a towel? Did you just take a bathe before you take a nap?."

" I fell asleep" You flushed.

" I like it more when you shy. Now wear this."

He makes you wear a blindfold.

" H-hey what is this for?"

He just smirk as a respond.

" M-mikey"

He start by kissing your lips passionately. His hand goes on the back of your head to deepen the kiss. You return the kiss because you still love him and have a desire to his touch. His other hand loosening the towel then throw it on the floor.

He moved his head to your neck and start to kiss, lick and bite it. You feel the pain and pleasure at the same time.

" Aaah- M-Mikey... It's unfair that I am the only one naked."

" Oh~ You're being naughty now, aren't you?"

He then undress himself infront of you. You're unable to see since you have been blindfolded. Your thought are full of how good it would be when his member is inside you. He took your hand and bring closer his sexy chest.

" Do you like it? "

You gulped.

Mikey moves to play with your breast. He admires your bare chest and sucks your nipple with his mouth and rub the other one with his right palm.

" Aaah- hh mmngh!" Y/N covered her mouth beacuse you find it's so embarassing to hear your own voice from the pleasure you get.

" keep moaning. There are only two of us here. That's why I bring you here.. so I can go as wild as I want."

The moaning from Y/N getting louder as Mikey sucks her.

He put his 2 fingers on your mouth and asked you to suck it. You lick it and play with his fingers using your tongue. He moans and said,

" Ah.. I can feel it as if you lick my d*ck"

He smirked and trace his right hand to rub your entrance. He rubs your entrance then insert 2 fingers to thrust it in.

Y/N continue moaning by his fingers. Then he thrust his fingers into her entrance faster and Y/N's moan getting mess from the pleasure she got.

"Ahhh Aahh- Mmi I-I feel weird... in my stomache."

" Oh you're about to cum. Cum when I said so."

"Mmph~" Y/N nodded.

Mikey change his position to face her womanhood to lick and suck her clit.

" Aahh- hh mnghh"

" Mmm- You smell good baby" Mikey then tilt his head to look at her reaction. Your face turned red and your mouth slightly open because of the pleasure you got.

" Cum now."

You release your cum infront of him as he lick and taste it by himself.

He licks your cum that was stick on his cheek not leaving any cum of yours waste.

Mikey then kisses you rough so you can feel your own cum on his mouth. " It's supposed to be mine only. But only this time I shared it with you."

He positioning his member right infront of your entrance. He slowly puts his hard member inside of her. He groans and said " F-fuck you're so tight. I regret not just kidnapping you in the first place before. "

He thrusts faster inside her womanhood. The room full with the sound of moans from pleasure they had. You're wrapping your hands on his neck.

Mikey then grips on your waist. He thrust inside you faster that make you loose you hands from wrapping his neck. Your hands grip on the mattress.

He thrusts faster inside her until Y/N felt a hot juicy inside her as you both cum.

You both sweating and panting catching each other breath.

" We're not done yet. Now all four"

" WHA-"

" I'm... stretching your body so you can ride me after this."

He moves your body on his own because he can't control his desire. He started to rub his member on your entrance again.

" Ah- aah- you feel so good. Tell me how you feel."

" mmh- I want to see you. Please unfold this "

" No."

When his member got hard again he reaches your both hand and pull it on your back. He then thrust faster inside your womanhood.

[ 6 rounds later ]

Both sweating and panting. Mikey suddenly lift you up in a bride style.

" Where are you taking me?"

" We will sleep in the other room since our bed is full of your cum."

" That's not only mine!"

" Haha! I'm joking baby"

As he enters the guest room, he places you on the bed and pecks on your foredhead.

" Goodnight. I love-..."

Mikey couldn't even finish his sentence since you've fallen asleep. He then lays beside you while holding your waist and sleep.

The next morning after heavy exercise

You woke up as you slowly open your eyes. No one inside the house except you. You notices Mikey isn't home.

He must be very busy. He just go leaving me here... again.
You thought.

You saw a note on the night stand.

I'll be back. The birth control pill is in the drawer.

Bonten hideout

Mikey arrived at Bonten hideout. His tired eyes makes him can't see things clearly since he stayed all night or to be exact he doesn't sleep at all just to see you.

" Yo! Mikey you'll be here for 3 days again? Hardworking, aren't you?" Takeomi tease Mikey when he saw Mikey walking pass him.

" Don't talk to me. I wanna go sleep in my room."


A/N Sorry for not updating this fics for awhile lol

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