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Bonten hideout

the Bonten executives held a meeting the next day

"Mikey. The Hakku gang, a new organization that went blow up recently often terrorize our strict area. Other executive have checked and go to the area. We manage to stabilize the security there."Takeomi explained to Mikey along with the other executives.

"it's a new organization. Why do they grow their people now? Any particular reason?" Kokonoi Hajime asked.

"i haven't got into details. But I'm aware that the Hakku boss might be targeting our boss in the near future. I'll assure that we'll focus on their moves in the mean time. I've sent the spies." Mochi who is in charge for the information said.

Everyone went quiet and Mikey only care about his love so he asked them, "increase the security at home."

One week later


Mikey drives the car by himself to go home.
Blood splattered everywhere. all the guards have been killed. Mikey's house was surrounded with cars that has no driver and passenger. He immediately runs to the house and sees a lot of people are gathering you.

"Y/N!" Mikey yelled.

"what do you think, Bonten boss as known as Mikey?" the unknown guy that consider as enemy to Bonten threaten Mikey to kill you. " should I slit her throat or just shoot her head with this gun?"

"what do you want?" Mikey glares at them.

"easy. I want the status."

"go get it. I 'll give you anything you want i'll sign it."

"Mikey!" Y/N yelled his name.

"Let her go."

"tsk tsk. Not that easy."

"what-" Mikey eyes widened seeing the guy reaction to Y/N.

The guy purposely cut your side hair and makes an excuse, "ops I slipped it."to triggered Mikey. He then asked his men to take you to the car.

The mansion become deafening out of the blue with gun shot from the outside. The executives have arrived. Sanzu, mochi, rindou, takeomi, and kakuchou has arrived.

One of the men lifts you up on their shoulder until you get in the car.There are three streets for in and out the mansion. Two at the front and one at the back. They drive you away using the back street. Not knowing the Bonten's mind-master has figure out their moves a bit late.

Ran blocking the ways out alongside with his people. he was in charge fo that because he has the highest number of people under him that he can summon immediately. Ran divided his people into 3 and he was blocking at the back street.

"boss, there's a car. 3 people including the driver" one of the men noticed a car see through them using a binocular and immediately report to Ran who is beside him.

"shoot the driver first. don't let them near." Ran command. One of the snipers shoots the driver, and the car began to move uncontrolaubally. one of the two passengers that survive aiming us to give a warning. 

"Boss, there's a woman." the same guy who informed to him about the car earlier said.

"A woman?" Ran repeated him and right away take the binocular from him. Ran started to worry if that woman is Y/N. It turned out it's really her.

"spare her. Shoot the guy."Ran command while getting a bike to pick up Y/N after they shot the guy.

" Y/N?" I called her name.

"Ran!" She yelled with creak voice.

"Why are you here? Your hair... ah your baby..." A great concern was written all over his face about her condition.

" I miscarriage a week ago. I can't move too much."she explains to Ran with pain and sadness. While Ran a bit happy that she won't have a baby with other man. All plans to kill the baby has all vanished in a second.

"get on the bike first. I'll bride you to my car over there" Y/N get on the bike along with Ran and they almost reached to where Ran's third group is. They heard a deafening explosion from their back. They're aware that the car has a bomb and controlled by a remote. As soon as they're arrived there, Ran took off his coat to cover Y/N's face. Y/N was then brought to Ran's car.

They both get in the car, and a sound from the walkie-talkie could be heard which is Kakucho's voice.

"Ran. Have you seen a car passing by? There is Y/n. boss' woman."

I reached the two-way radio and answered "yes there's a car but it had explode. it's like a bomb controlled by remote. i watched it from afar."

"so Y/N is..."

Y/N tucked Ran shirt and shake her head. She doesn't want Ran to inform Kakucho that she's alive. Ran glanced at her and understand it right away.

"she's there." Ran replied and release the button.

"I don't want to go back to Mikey." Y/N releases the tuck and bow her head.

"live with me, Y/N." Ran smiled with a mischievous on his lips knowing he might get the chance living with her.


"b-but I can't give you freedom. you're known to the enemy, and i'm also a criminal."Ran said shockingly nervous as he doesn't know Y/N would accept this without any doubt.

" I understand. I just don't want to be with Mikey anymore. Thanks Ran."

Ran gets off the car with a red face and asked his trusted people to drive her home.
"when you get there. do something to your hair. i'll see you." Y/N just nodded to him and gives him a smile so he wouldn't be worry."anyway, short hair is sexier."he closes the door and let him be more flushed.

Ran straight up went to settle the thing in Mikey mansion. he asked his men to move forward and be there to finish the intruder up.

Meanwhile at Mikey's mansion

Kakucho informed Mikey the confirmation from Ran that the car really do be exploded. "the car explodes. That guy really pressed the remote control of bomb."

mikey's eyes hardened and narrowed into slits as he knows about the exploded car involved Y/N, his love. He clenched his jaw and gets himself near the enemy boss who causes Y/N death. he aimed a gun with bullets on Mikey with trembling hands.

All the enemy pawns have dead. The only enemy left is the boss. Mikey has a difficult time to touch him before since he threatens him that he has a remote control to activate the bomb.

Mikey become annoyed with him, so he shot his hand. His hand directly released the gun. Mikey gets him and smashed his head on the floor too many times until the blood splashed on his clothes. The other executives and bonten's people including Ran who has arrived just watched him. no one can stop him when he is on rage.

Rindou, who heard about Y/N died in explosion stopped rampaging. he gets on his knees because he was so frustrated that even before Y/N's life ends, he can't have her. Ran's men cover him from the enemy.

Mikey stopped and sits on the dead body. his palm slap his forehead and his face dropped down while saying,

"At the end, I can't see her last moment nor do a proper farewell to her too. How pathetic my life is."

A/N: next chapter would be the last chapter of this story. thank you!

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