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An executive guy of Bonten arrived at Tokyo with a stripped purple suit and a black glass on. The oldest Haitani flews there with a private airplane owned by the criminal organization. "Finally, I'm back here. Damn that Mikey making me go overseas for surveillance supplies."He said while taking off the sunglasses admiring the view of Tokyo. Men beside him carrying the loaded bunch of bags with his clothes and illegal things inside.

Someone was there waiting to fetch him up. A purple mullet hair guy from the criminal organization called Bonten. The youngest Haitani.

"Brother Ran. Welcome home."

The older Haitani happily went approaching him to hug him, his youngest and lovely brother. They always have a brothers bonding time together but Ran has to go overseas for work which ordered by Takeomi but he was told its ordered by Mikey. "How's overseas?" Rindou asked him as soon as they pulled off the hug.

Ran's expression drastically changed. He hets really irritated when his brother mentioned about oversea work as if he's mocking. "we don't talk about that. I miss being here."Ran is the oldest but acting like he's the youngest because he is very sensitive and spoiled to the person he dears the most.

On the other, Rindou hates seeing Ran started to act up. But it's been so long since they meet so he let him be once. He sighed and smiles at his brother's temperament, so he asked to change the topic, "have you had lunch?".

"No." he puts his palm in both his pockets and shrugged his shoulder. "How about we have lunch at our favorite place?" They started heading to the restaurant after Ran commands his men to deliver the bags home."

The Haitani brothers arrived at the restaurant and get an exclusive VIP room, so they can have time alone and since they're criminal they need to have their own space. They talked about about things that happened when they didn't meet. Until a topic mentioned by Rindou got Ran's chocked. "you know. I met Y/N." . Ran's eyes went widening, he drinks the water near him and asked, "How? When?".

"months ago. She's with Mikey. I don't see her after that." Rindou answered and continue to eat his meal.

"I see. How's she?"

"good, at least that's what Takeomi-san said... oh! She asked me about you, but I ran out of time so i didn't get to tell her that you went oversea."

"Takeomi-san said that?" Ran be a bit confused as to why Rindou said that information about Y/N was from Takeomi. Rindou nodded to him.

Was it because she's not allowed to come out?
Or because there were many guards?

"I wish I can meet her." Ran added in their almost an end of conversation as they're about to finish their meals.

It might be the reason why that stalker I send haven't update and give more info.
Ran thought.

"anyway, you're not shocked that she's with Mikey?" Rindou asked while tapping his fingers on the table and examine his brother's reaction.

"why would I? Y/N is attractive at all there's no way no man will be distracted by her charm."he puts his right palm under his jaw and leans.

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