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highschool 2nd and 3rd year student

Y/N : 16
Mikey :17

" He hasn't make his first move yet???" Y/F/N said.

" Y-yeah." You said while covering your red face with a book.

" But he has been watching you from afar since you both in primary school!"

" Y-yeah.. I know. I did confess to him before back in our last grade in primary school. He said he hasn't have any feelings toward me."

" He's so mean to you. It's obvious he has a feelings for you."

" Ugh. Remembering it just make my day worse."

" How about you try again this time! Who knows he might-"

" No! That's so embarrassing!"

" Yeah yeah forget about him. I'm sure you will fine someone better who will make the first move . And other girls will catch his (Mikey) attention." Y/F/N shrugged her shoulder.

On your way home

" You're here again."

Mikey flinched.

" I'm not looking for you."

" I didn't say you do. But since my home is the only one located here..."

" Hah! I'm leaving."

You saw him flustered as if he's trying to prove that your thought is wrong. You tried not to put a high hope with what he did.

The last day in Tokyo ( for Y/N)

" Mikey. Just once. Please don't play with my feelings anymore. I like you. I even have confess my feelings to you before"

"I told you right in front of you that you're annoying and I don't have any feelings for you. Move away!" He said while looking down at you.

" But Mikey! Why-"

" Oh. You're not gonna give up huh?"
He then rips off your school uniform making all your button fall down.

" So you still like me when I did this to you?"

You slapped his face as hard as you want to release your anger toward him.

" Is she a bitch?"
" Why is she talking to the delinquent?"
" She really slaps that Mikey?!"
" Damn, She's a hot chick!"

hearing the murmuring from other students make situation more awkward and terrible.

You cover your chest with your bag and said,

" I'll move tomorrow. Don't find me. Don't look for me. You only make things worst."

Mikey stood there silently as you walk pass him. He gives a glance to the other students who keep talking about you. They became speechless when Mikey glares at them because Mikey reaction looks like he is warning them to stop.

Spoiler warning below !!

This happens when he starts pushing his friends away and he tries to avoid you too.🤫

Mikey's POV

I go to our place which is a high building where Kokonoi negotiate to buy since he is good in money matter.

"What's wrong boss?" Kokonoi asked me when he noticed I've been acting weird since I came.

" Can you help me, Koko?"

" If it is about my specialty I will help you without any doubt."

" Find a guard. I want the guard to watch over someone for me... I want that person to be safe even she is far from my sight."

" Find a guard and pay them would be an easy task to me. For how long do you need them?"

" I don't know. Maybe forever as long as I'm alive."

" Forever?! Is that person is important to you so much?"

" She is important in my life. But I don't want her to be with me now since I can't make her happy if I choose this path."

End of flashback

(after he came back from that busy ass)

You both have a breakfast in the kitchen sitting beside each other. He suddenly gives you birth control pills.

" I don't need that."

" Why? You want to carry my child?"

" You don't want to?"

" I do. And you?"

" Oh.. I want too but yesterday is my safe day so..." His answer makes you flushed and you replied while tucking your hair behind your ears.

" So we get another chance to make a baby!!" He beamed.

" Stop talking. Just eat"

Mikey notices your red cheeks but decide to tease you more.

" Mhm. I love you too."

" What the hell is that?!"

He then pinch on your nose and said,

" Don't curse. It's not good for the baby. "

" But I'm not pregnant." You mumbled.

" You will and you have to practice it from now on ." He smiled.

The smiles he gives you make you feel a butterfly in your stomach. The prettiest and purest smile you'd kill to see since the day you first meet him.

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