[ 9 ]

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The morning.

Mikey's pov

I openned my eyes slowly because I heard Y/N's sobbing voice.

I saw her lays below me. I saw hickeys and bitemarks on all over her body. Her swollen face, neck and wrist. I was shocked and mad until I realize that... I'm the one who did that to her.

" Y-Y/N! Did I did that?! I..-"

"Get out! I don't want to see you."

" Love-"

" Just. Get out. I can't walk. My legs sore from what you did last night. You said you'll kill me this morning. Hurry. Kill me!"

" I was unconcious. Please Y/N..."

" Do you want me to kill myself or you are the one getting out?"

" A-alright. I'll get out. Don't do anything that harm you. I... I will call our doctor."

I get out from the room and shut the door slowly. I called Akashi using the landline and slowly fell down while leaning against the wall. I sighed in frustration.

" Akashi, what happened last night?" I asked with concerned.

" Ehem. Hm. Uh- You're taking the new drug. So you were high and asking for me to take you home." He clears his throat as it still sore because of yesterday event.

" Why did you sound like that?"

" You chocked me yesterday when I tried to calm you down, Mikey." he said while rubbing his throat.

" I see. I... torture Y/N last night. I was losing my concious. I didn't recognize her, but I can hear and smell her. What should I do?"

" Stay with her for a few days. I will handle the business matter."

I went silent and all i can say is giving him a command "call a female doctor to come over."

Few minutes later.

The doctor came inside her room and I stay outside because she doesn't want to see me for the time being. When the doctor come out from the room, I rushingly asked her about Y/N's condition.

" She needs a rest. I have apply some medicine on her sore part so she'll be fine after 2-3 days."

" Good. You can go now."


Inside the room.

"Y/N... I'm sorry for what I've done."

" It's okay. It happened already. No need to bring it up."

" Are you... still mad at me?"

" Yes. I'm so angry. I hate you so much. I despise you. Is that what you want to hear?"

" Love, Baby, don't say that. You hurt me with your words. You do know that."

" You hurt me physically and mentally. I wanna hurt you too."

" Please give me a chance. A chance to make up with you. I promise. I fucking promise not to do it again. I'll stop taking it. I'll leave everything for you. So please, give me a chance. Promise me you'll not leave me like you did before. " He cried.

His cries is so pure yet convincing. He still hold a place in your heart which make you still want to give him a chance.

I tried to change the topic. Luckily, he didn't notice it. I don't even make a promise.

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