[ 3 ]

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⚠️ Slight nsfw, gun

" Stand up."

You do as he ordered without complaining.

" Strip."

" What?"

" You heard me. I said strip. Or do you want me to rip off your-" He said while taking out a gun from his back.

" OKAY O-...okay" you immediately respon to him since you don't want to remember the old day.

" I'm sorry. This isn't supposed to be a threat to you." He throws the gun to the couch you sit just now.

He puts his right palm on his mouth to hide his small smile.

Your face reddened as you undress yourself infront of him. You only leave a set of black lingerie.

" So you've prepared yourself for him.
come here" He said while patting the couch sit beside him.

You walked closer to him and sits beside him. You only look at your feet since you don't have the nerve to see him. You scared of falling in love again. And scared you might crossed the line since he's dangerous and a criminal.

"... Sadly he can't have you " He said while tilting your head with his hand.

Then, his lips meet yours. He kiss you rough until you lean back on the couch. He is now on top of you. You're almost drown with love from his kiss as you want to kiss him back. But he moves to kiss your collarbone then your neck.

He is about to unclasp your bra but he stops.

" As much as I want to fuck you now, I don't want to.. Because you wear this for him. I don't like it." He mumbled while caressing your blushing cheek.

He stands up, pick up his phone and gun then walk away to the door. Before he closes the door he said " Wear your shirt back. I'll ask someone to buy your new things"

No one's POV

Mikey leans against the wall. Hoping Y/N doesn't hear him panting outside the room.

Shit I got hard.
Mikey thought.

Mikey goes enter inside his office which located beside his bedroom which is now Y/N's whereabout.

He then sits on his chair and tries to relax himself from getting turn on just now. He calls the Bonten advisor, Akashi Takeomi. Mikey always asks his opinion about work and his personal matter.

" Akashi. Buy new clothes for Y/N. She'll stay with me now"

" Oh. Is it working?"

" Yeah. She doesn't look scared. Maybe a bit. It's a good idea to bring her here since I almost wanna change my mind by taking her to my place."

" Haha! I see. Alright Mikey, I'm going to buy some clothes for her."

" Don't buy clothes that too sexy and if you come here don't send it directly. I'll give her by myself."

"O-okay. Got to go now."

*end call*

Takeomi's POV

"He really likes her. If only he accepts her back then. Things won't be difficult like this."

I sighed and going to the mall to do the 'job' given.

I arrive at our hideout and directly going to knock on Mikey's door office.

I heard Mikey's voice reply to my knock giving permission to enter.

" I've done bought her things."

" Yeah. You can go."

I put the bag fill Y/N new clothes and thing. Then I turn around to go outside. I stopped my step when Mikey ask me,

" When can I bring her to my place Akashi?"

" J-just ask her Mikey. She will agree and follow you."

I continue my walk so he won't ask me about his personal matter anymore.

End of Takeomi's POV.

Mikey enters the room where you are. He sits on the couch.

" Wear this." Mikey said as he hands the bag.

" Okay."

You walk pass him then he grips your wrist.

" Where are you going."

" Toilet. I'm going to get change "

" No. Do it here."

You change infront of him. He looks at you intimidating as if he wants to eat you. You're about to unclasp your bra. But Mikey stands up from his couch, then goes stand up behind you to help you unhook it.

He slides your long hair to your shoulder.

[As I've mentioned in the ' A/N' I make Y/N hair long 😬]

" I'm planning to take you my place. I don't want you to be here. Other guys might see you if you stay here longer"
He said while peck on your bare shoulder.

" You just said I'll live with you. I'm fine if you wana take me there... but how about my job?"

" I'll have you stop working."

" But Mikey! I need money"

" For living? I can give you as much as you want. So stop the job and live with me. We'll go to my place tomorrow morning."

" O-okay if you said so ..."

" I'll send someone to give you a meal for tonight. You can sleep here. And I'll sleep in my office room."

" Why don't we just sleep here together."

Mikey eyes widdened and immediately put his index finger on your lips.

" Sshhhh.. It's a very bad idea. I might not be able to control myself."

Tomorrow comes.

" You ready? Let's go then. You go first." Mikey said while putting both hands in his pockets.

" Yeah. A-alright." You walk awkwardly infront of him.

You walk out from the room you and you see how big is the building you're in. The theme looks cheerful and expensive. It doesn't look like the most criminal building which is dark and dirty. Maybe because they're trying to avoid any suspicious from outsider.

You walk down the stairs and all eyes on you. They were shock because a woman walk infront of their boss, Mikey who looks like your bodyguard.

[ Anyway, we all pretty okay don't be insecure <3 ]


"We're here. Let's get in shall we?"

You nodded.

" That is our room. We'll share a room. You got any problem with that?" He points the big room with his index finger.


" Good. Guess I have to go. I still have something important to do. Don't wait for me. I'll only come home every 3 days. So take care of yourself..."

".. I bought you a new handphone. I put my number and Sanzu's there. Call me if there's anything."

" Okay. But why 3 days-"

He then tracing your waist with a hand, rubbing it with his thumb...

He sighed.

and leave without a word.

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