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A week passes

The night when bonten's top executive party

" We did taste the drug yesterday. You know what?! It makes us tooooo high last night. " Sanzu said.

" Tsk. So, that's why you don't asnwer to my call last night?" Akashi asked.

" Yeah. I can hear it ringing but I have a bit too much fun last night at club as if I don't even know people around me for the whole night. Don't you wanna try it, brother?" Sanzu said while licking his lips to attract Akashi's attention.

" Nah. Next time. Mikey asked me to drive him home tonight."

Then, all of them have fun with alcohol, drugs, and woman in the party. On the other hand, Mikey keep quiet while sipping his 1st drink and suddenly got high. A woman beside him trying to seduce him. But he slaps and push the girl. The scene makes everyone stops except for those who's high.

" Uh- Mikey why are you..." Sanzu asked but got cut off by his brother.

" Hey! Who the fuck give Mikey a drug?" Akashi yelled. "Mikey! you can't go home like this. She might-"

" She? " Mikey glared at Akashi. He walks closer to him and grab his collar to pin him against the wall. " You. Bring me home. Now."
" But Mikey-" Akashi said but stops when Mikey choked him. " Who are you to resist my order?!"

Other top executive who's not high or drunk was shocked and scared to see Mikey's reaction.

Akashi then tapped Mikey's hand to stop.

[ idek how they got into the car. But just imagine however it is lol.]


" Uh. Mikey do you want me to bring you in?"

" I can go by myself."

Mikey openned the door and walk by himself to enter the his home even he can't walk steadily.

" You're home" you said as he entered the house. You saw his eyes is red and dark circle under his eyes.

Mikey's pov

The voice sounds familiar for me.
I thought.

I turn around and see someone with a red suit. Sexy and seems expensive to wear. The colour, the design and the voice attract me.

I walk closer to the woman and sniff her from her neck.

" You... smell like her. I don't like it."

Back to Y/N's pov

" HER?!"

I said loudly and knowing Mikey grabs my hand and brings me to the wall near us. He pinned my hand on top of my head.

" Why are you wearing this?"

" What? Mikey you-"


" You dare to call me by my name? Weren't you just a mere bitch here?!"

" What... what are you saying." Your tears ran down since Mikey slaps you hard.

" Shhh. Since you're here. Do your job properly." He whispered while grabbed your hair.

I'm shaking since I've just met this version of him. I want to run. I want to leave. But I love him but not in this way.

He lets go of my hair and said,

" Open your mouth and suck my fingers"

I openned my mouth and let his finger in.
" Mmph- ngh."

" Ahh- hah.. Now kneel down, unbuckle my pants and suck it."

I gulped and shakingly unbuckle it to take out of his not so hard member. Is this his new kink? I thrust his member to make it hard and hear his groans. I put it in my mouth and suck it. He groans. But then, he becomes impatient so he grabs my head and move by his own.

Tears fell down ever more because his member hits my throat so hard that it hurts. He then cum in my mouth. Most of his cum fell from my mouth.

" Get up."

I get up with shaking legs. He turned my body around to face the wall then he rise up my right leg to make my legs open wider for his private to enter. His other hand grip on my waist.

He thrusts in harder and I just moan from the mixed pain with pleasure I got.

" Your voice... I like it. It sounds more like her. Moan for me more."

" Aahh- ah Ahh~"

He lifted me up to the couch. He licked my ear and kissed me on the lips.

" How was that?"

He kissed all over my body. Leaving hickey and bite marks. I was moaning, crying and having a thought as to what I will do after all of this.

He turned me around and pinned both my hands behind me. He whispered, " How can you get in my home?". " Y-you brought me here" I answered. But it seems like that's a wrong answer.

" Liar."

He smacked my ass, making me cum. My body becomes more sensitive than before. He smacked again for cumming earlier.

" You fucking liar!"

" Mhpmh~ Stop M-mikey..."

" Don't call me that! You don't deserve it."

He smacked again while thrusting in his member. He thrusts in faster and it makes me losing concious.


You wake up hours later because of the shaking you got. Knowing the shake you received is from Mikey who still fucking you.

" Mmph- I... I'll kill you tomorrow morning."

Your womanhood felt sore. Your legs is whimpering for being opened wide for hours. You realize his thrust become sloppier and he fell on top of you. You close your legs slowly because it hurts so much.

You tried to close your eyes back to sleep again so the Mikey now don't wake up and torture you again.

Before you drown in your sleep, You're drown with a a lot of thoughts and doubts.

Why did he does this to me?
What make him did this?
Will he does this again in the future?
Will I be happy ?
What happen if we have a child, will he torture us?
What happen if we have a family and he's like this?
I hope this happens once.
I wanna stay with him. I love him.
I'll try to ask him tomorrow. I... will try to forgive him.
But what he has done to me... traumatized me.


anyway check-out my new fic of Ran Haitani :D

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