Part 2

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5 years ago:

"Captain Ghafa."

Inej was standing on an old wooden dock tucked into the corner of Fifth Harbor, rusted nails and broken boards jutting haphazardly from the walkway. No one used this particular dock, not since a Razorgull had been trying to spy on Dregs business but had "mysteriously" fallen through a loose board to his death on the rocks below.

When she'd asked Kaz about the supposed accident, he'd simply slipped her a half-smile, full of teeth, and said,

"Maybe he should've watched where he walked,"

Now, she sat perched on the railing of the same dock, face turned towards the setting sun that cast a golden glow on her bronze skin. The wind grabbed at a strand of her hair that had come loose from its braid and tugged at it playfully.

She knew he was there.

The rocksalt rasp of his voice curled around her ear, brushing the curve of her neck ever so slightly. It pooled in her heart, a comforting weight of promise, and she felt some of the months' tension ease from her shoulders.

Saints, she had missed him.

Turning towards him with a small smile, she acknowledged the boy before her with their customary greeting.

"What business, Kaz?"

He bowed his head, lips quirked ever so slightly, and said, "Whatever do you mean, darling,"

The word dripped with sarcasm, but there was a hint of something else beneath it that sent a shiver down her spine. The good kind.

"Don't play with me. Do you need me for a job or for intel?"

Kaz let out a little laugh, "Good to see you too, Wraith. It's only been four months,"

Inej shook her head and rolled her eyes. Slipping off of the railing, she took off towards him, booted soles barely brushing the dock beneath.

She paused in front of Kaz, taking in every perfectly tailored inch of him. He still looked like a mercher-- suit and dark wool coat parted by a white shirt and crimson tie. She noted, with a little laugh, that his silver tie pin was engraved with a single crow, consistent to the last.

He might've looked like a merch, but the wicked crow's head cane and sharp set to his jaw squashed any notion of black tie propriety. He was brutal, the scars scattering his face like angry constellations were white against his pale skin. Kaz was a Barrel boss through and through. Powerful and terrifying.

But Inej had long stopped fearing him.

She stepped towards Kaz, conveying her intention with her eyes, giving him an out if he wanted one. His head dipped slightly, the barest movement, and then she was launching herself into his arms and hugging him close.

Inej felt him tense beneath her for a moment, until he relaxed into her touch, arms coming to rest around her sides, pulling her into him. He smelled like woodsmoke and rain, and all at once she was overcome with relief that he was again there beside her, whole and hale and perfectly hers.

The wool of his dark coat brushed her chin, and leaning on her tiptoes, she nestled her head into the crook of his neck.

A single, gloveless hand came to rest on the back of her head, pressing her into him. Her voice was breathless when she spoke,

"I missed you, Kaz,"

She could feel his smile against her hair.

"I missed you too, Wraith."


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