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[At Chilton]
Narrator's POV

Winona walks through the front doors of Chilton Academy

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Winona walks through the front doors of Chilton Academy. Quickly she rushes up the grand stairs and to her locker in the hallway on her left. Lorelai had been rushing this morning due to Rory having a cold, so she drove Winona to Chilton a little late.

After grabbing her maths book and the version of 'The Great Gatsby' that Rory had lended her. she rushes to Mr Medina's english class. Opening the door she takes a step in and freezes seeing everybody staring at her, "Shit."

Mr Medina looks over at his ex-girlfriend's daughter and lets out a chuckle, "Hello Ms Gilmore, take a seat and please, watch your language."

Winona nods and looks around the room until seeing an empty seat next to a tall brunette boy, with Paris Geller on the other side. She walks between the rows before finally sitting down and putting her bag down. She opens her bag and takes out her black folder, as well as her book, and her favorite blue pen.

"And what is your name?"

Winona turns her head to look at the tall-lanky-brunette Australian, "Winona."

He smiles at the brunette, "Well isn't that a gorgeous name! I'm Finn."

She smiles back, "It's nice to meet you Finn."


After fifth period, in which Winona was in her AP psychology class, she heads down to the main cafeteria in Chilton. Finally getting to the cafeteria, after walking like three miles, she finds an empty table and sits down.

As she sits down at her empty table, Winona pulls out her phone along with her lunch she had made that morning, and opens up her messages.

Where the hell are you bitch?

Mandi Bear🐻:

Boo, you whore.

Mandi Bear🐻:
Love the mean girls reference
You all lonely at lunch?
The devil join you yet?


Mandi Bear🐻:
Paris! Of course!

Winona snickers and goes to reply but when a tray slams down onto the table she is sitting at she jumps, forgetting to reply.

"Speak of the devil."

Paris's brows furrow, "What?!" She shakes her head, "You know what, nevermind. Do you know who you were talking to today in Mr Medina's class?"


Paris sits down with a gasp, "Yeah Finn! Finn Brown! Son of Benjamin and Mary-Ann Brown!" Winona shakes her head confused and Paris gasps, "The famous prosecutors!" Winona shakes her head, "Yeah never heard of them."

Paris shakes her head and gets up, "Ugh! You are impossible Gilmore!"

Winona shakes her head and looks back down to her lunch finishing it up. She pulls out her math homework and starts it before another person slams there stuff down.

"Will you stop it Paris- Oh it's you."

"Hello darling."

Winona smiles up at Finn, "Hi Finn, whatcha doing?"

"Well all my friends are in college, or in class, so I thought I'd join you." He leans in a little, like he didn't want anybody to hear his next words, and whispers, "You seem lonely."

Winona smiles, "I'm not lonely, I actually like being alone."

Finn smiles, "You suprise me Gilmore."

She smiles back, "Well if you want to be my friend, I would like to actually be able to constant you. How about your digits?"

He nods and pulls out his phone, Winona putting her number in it as he hands it to hers. She gives him her phone as well, and he puts his in.

The bell rings and Finn stands up, "Well, I'll see you another day Gilmore."


643 words

Hey y'all I hope you liked the prologue, don't worry it is a Logan Hntzberger story but for Logan and Winona to meet I had to have her meet Finn! You'll see, it will all connect eventually my lovely's!

Anyway have an amazing night or morning lovely's!

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