[ten: labor]

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Winona stands with Jess at the counter in Luke's diner, teasing the boy's uncle

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Winona stands with Jess at the counter in Luke's diner, teasing the boy's uncle. Over the past couple months, Jess and Winona have gotten close, both feeling left out of their own family, and neither truly giving a fuck about it.

They never actually hung out themselves, Jess being his antisocial self, and Winona always busy with Amanda and the boys. But they never have had anything bad to say about the other.

And with Winona Gilmore and Jess Mariano,
that's big.

"You reading?"

Winona gives out a small gasp and looks up from the burger she was eating, "You know how to read?!" Luke glares at the young girl before turning to his nephew, "Will you just- I read."

"What do you read?"

"I read."

Jess leans down, copying his uncles pose and repeats the question, "What do you read?"

"Invoices, expiration dates."

"I stand corrected." The young boy reaches forward and grabs the book from his uncles hands, "Hidden Romantic Gems Of The Restaurant World. Well, well, well."

The gilmore girl giggles, "Didn't know you were such a romantic Luke, will have to let mom know."

"Hey! Stop that! I'm with Nicole! Okay? Your mother and I will never happen!"

She groans, "Ohh yes... miss boring." He stares at her confused, "She's a lawyer."

"Yeah like I said... boring."

Jess chuckles, "Find anything good?"

"Why you looking for someplace?"

Jess glares at his girlfriends sister, "Don't tease me, tease him, not me."

She glares at him, "Whatever." Looking out the window she notices Dean coming into the diner, "Oh look it's Deansie."

Luke walks away to find a restaurant while Jess takes Dean's order. Winona watches as her sister's dick of an ex-boyfriend berates Jess. Getting up she moves over to the back room, where Cesear resides, "Hey Ceasar add mayo to all the burgers and sandwiches on the next order!"

"Got it Winnie!"

Dean glares at the girl, "That's not what I asked for!"

She looks at Jess, "Do you hear the same annoying jealous voice I do?"

Jess smirks, "I think I do."

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