[eighteen: meeting the huntzbergers]

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Winona and Logan sit in his red convertible,one too scared to walk into his childhood house and the other too nervous

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Winona and Logan sit in his red convertible,
one too scared to walk into his childhood house and the other too nervous.

"What's you mothers name again?"


Winona nods, "Okay! Your father, Mitchum Huntzberger is a Newspaper Conglomerate Ceo Journalist" Logan nods letting her know she's correct, "Your sister,
Honor is dating Josh, and your grandfather Elias Huntzberger had your fathers job but has since retired."

Logan nods and gives her a kiss on the cheek, "You're gonna do fine doll, we're gonna be fine!"

Winona nods and gets out of Logan's convertible, meeting him and taking his hand near the front door of the Huntzberger mansion.

Logan rings the bell to house, and a second later his sister opens the door with whom Winona assumes is Josh, "Logan! Omg this must be Winona!"

"Hi Honor!"

She smiles at her brother and gave him a wink before taking Winona's hand, dragging her lightly into the Huntzberger mansion, "Wow you're so gorgeous! Come on, I'll bring you to the main dining room."

Winona turns to a chuckling Logan, "Main dining room? You have two dining rooms?


Winona gasps, "Oh my god." She stops at a small mirror and checks herself over, Logan walks over and makes eye contact with her in the mirror, "You'll be fine dove."

Winona smiles and turns, giving him a kiss on cheek, "Okay." The couple walks into the dining room to find Honor and Josh sitting on one side, an older women at the head of the table, an older man on the other side of the table, and an elderly man sitting at the other head.

Logan walks over and next to the women, placing a kiss on her cheek before walking over next to whom Winona assumes is his father and sits down. Winona follows him, giving Mitchum and Shira polite smiles.


"Hello Logan." The man turns and stares at Winnie, looking her up and down, "You much be Winona Emily Gilmore, Richard and Emily's granddaughter."

Winona gives him a polite smile, "Yes I am, It is nice to meet you Elias." The eldest Huntzberger just gives her a hum and then turns to the maid, ordering her to bring out the soups.

As Winona takes a sip of her water, she feels a hand grab hers, squeezing it. She turns to the blonde boy it and gives him a small smile, to which he responds with a wink.

A throat is cleared, causing Winona to look at the man next to Logan, "What do you want to do when you get older Winona?"


Winona gives the man a shy smile, "I want to be a doctor, preferably a surgeon but I also don't hate the idea of being a nurse." Winona hears Shira chuckle from beside her, "Hm."

Logan turns to his mom, "Mother, don't."

Shira shakes her head and sips her soup, "Logan, what did we tell you." Winona turns to Logan, confused, "Mother stop it, you can't dictate my life."

"Have you heard of the DAR, Winona?"

Winona nods at the woman, even more confused now, "Yes, my grandmother is apart of it I believe." Shira nods, "Yes she is, now, the DAR is made of women in our society. None of us have jobs, you know why?"

Mitchum scoffs from next to Logan, "Shira, shut it. She's 18." Shira holds her hand up, "We don't have jobs because we are supposed to be home and take care of our children and husbands."

Winona chuckles lightly, but as she sees Logan, Mitchum, and Honors grim faces she stops, "You're not joking?"

Shira shakes her head and Winona scoffs, "What century are you living in?"

"Now sweetheart, you better watch your tone. Just because your grandparents are Gilmore's doesn't stop the fact that we're Huntzbergers."

Winona shakes her head and looks to Logan, who is glaring at his grandfather, "What the hell grandpa?!"


"Just because not everybody has your title doesn't mean they can't talk the way they want! Winona is my girlfriend, and you better respect her because I don't plan on that ending anytime soon, so you should show some respect to her."

Winona smiles lightly and starts to stand up, "Look I know that you live how you want to live but, just because you want to sit around and read old newspapers and decide which teacup goes where doesn't mean I want to."

"I want to save lives and watch families laugh and smile at good news. Maybe that comes with tears and having to be away from home, but I would hope that my future husband would have enough respect for me to
let me live my life, wether that's Logan or not."

She sighs and grabs her small purse off of the table next to the dining table, "Now, I'm going to go outside and call myself a taxi, i'm sorry that this went the way it did, but truthfully, you two need to find a new way to talk to people. Goodnight."

She turns and starts to walk out of the house after grabbing her midnight black jacket, "God damnit." She turns off her phone after realizing it's about to die.

A door opens up behind her, "Hey dove." She turns to find her boyfriend smiling down at her. He steps down the steps before sitting next to her, "I'm sorry they said that stuff."

She gives him a small smile and lays her head on his shoulder, "It's okay, I'll get over it." Logan chuckles and watches her with a smile, "I love you."

Winona looks to him, shocked,
"You love me?"

Logan gives her a small kiss on the lips, "Of course." She smiles and gives him a kiss as well, "I love you too."

Logan stands up with a smile on his face, he holds out his hand and nods his head towards his car, "Come on, we can go back to my place, order some taco bell, and watch Criminal Minds."

Winona smiles and lets out a giggle, "Take me away Romeo!" The two hold hands as Logan drives down the street, smiles on both of their faces, cause even though the night went horrible they still have each other.

1073 words

Hey y'all hope you liked this chapter!! I know the ending was cliche but, oh well!! Comment, follow, share, vote, and read on...
🤍Love you all🤍

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