[six: thanksgiving part one]

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I walk through the front door of the Gilmore home, hearing my mother and sister talking in the living room

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I walk through the front door of the Gilmore home, hearing my mother and sister talking in the living room. As I walk into the room, both heads turn to me suprised.

"Winona, you're home."

I nod, "Yeah I was running out of clothes at grandma and grandpa's so..." I swallow the lump in my throat and turn back to the stairs when my mother cuts me off, "Where are you going?"

I turn back and look her in the eyes, "Up to my room, or should I go to Rory's" I say in a daunting tone. Lorelai rolls her eyes and turns back to the television with a pout, as Rory looks between us very confused, "Wha-" I cut her off as I stomp, yes stomp, up the stairs and go into my room, slamming the door.

 Lorelai rolls her eyes and turns back to the television with a pout, as Rory looks between us very confused, "Wha-" I cut her off as I stomp, yes stomp, up the stairs and go into my room, slamming the door

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(Winona's room^, if you don't like it imagine whatever you want)


I walk through the halls of my high school, Chilton, with Amanda on my right. She turns to me as we stop at my locker, "So what's your family doing for Thanksgiving this year?" I shake my head as I place my pre-calc book into my black Steve Madden backpack, "I have no idea, I haven't spoken to my mom or sister since I got back."

Amanda shakes her head, "Maybe you should" I turn to her with wide eyes, amazed she would say that. But before I can respond she continues, "What your mother said was rude yes, but they're your family. Are you gonna ignore them forever and live in Hartford for the rest of your life?"

I go to say yes but she gives me a pointed look, so instead I sigh and shake my head, "No, I guess not" I roll my eyes and continue walking, "I hate how much you know me."

Amanda giggles and wraps her arm around my shoulder, "This is why you love me and I love you" I giggle and shove her arm off my shoulder.


I walk with my mother and Rory as we stop in front of Doose's on Thanksgiving morning, "So what's first?"

"Flowers for all, cranberry sauce for Mrs. Kim and..." I cut off my mother, "Tums, definitely tums." She turns to me confused, "You wanna go to Mrs. Kim's and eat that food without tums?"

She shakes her head, "I guess not, I'll go get the tums and sauce, you two get the flowers."

Rory and I stand on the sidewalk as we look at all the colorful flowers when somebody comes up behind us and grabs Rory, "Hey." The couple continues to kiss in front of me until I cut them off,

"Ugh, not in front of me god." Jess pulls back from my sister's lips and turns to me with a smile, "Hey Gilmore."

"Hi Mariano, how's it going?"

He smiles and looks back down at my sister, "Right now, pretty good." I roll my eyes with a smile as I watch Rory pull him over to where she thinks nobody can see them.

I wish I had that, somebody who looked at me the way that Jess looks at Rory, like she's truely the only girl in the world. He really loves my sister, I never saw Dean look at her that way. Even if we aren't in the best place right now I'm happy for her, her and Jess.

I turn back to the flowers and begin to talk to the saleswomen when I hear my phone begin to ring. I take it out of my purse giving the saleswomen a smile and answer it, not looking at the caller I.D.


Hey, Dove. How are you doing?

I ask with a smile

That's me Dove, how are you doing?

I'm good, how are you?

Well, I'm good, and I was just checking if you gave me the right number the other night.

I smile,
Well, as you can tell I did.

Yes you did, what are you doing for this fair holiday?

Well my mother got us wrapped into four different dinners, Mrs. Kim's a friend of ours, Sookie my mothers's best friend, Luke who's a family friend and my grandparents.
What about you what are doing this- how did you put it, 'this fine holiday'?

I hear him chuckle on the other side and what sounds like him walking around,
Well nothing as of now but I do believe that my parents are going to me dragging my sister and I, Honor, to you-

I stop listening as my mother comes back over, out of the supermarket with a bag in her hand and points to the phone and mouths, Who's that? I shake my head and put one finger up, asking for a second before turning back to Logan on the phone.

Hey Logan, I have to go okay?
I got to get to the first fourth of my Thanksgiving adventure.

He again chuckles on the other side,
Don't worry about it Dove, I'll see you soon, okay?

I smile,
Okay, goodbye Huntzberger.

Goodbye dove.

I hang up the phone with a smile on my face and turn back to my mother. She stares at me with one eyebrow raised as Rory makes her way over with four bouquets of red, yellow, and orange flowers in her arms.

"Not now my mom, okay? Please not today."

She nods, "Okay, but we will be talking later tonight, okay?"

I nod and tuck my phone into my purse as I follow my family down the sidewalk thinking about Logan and I's conversation. What I don't notice is the smile that sits on my face as I do so.

990 words

Hey y'all I hope you liked this chapter, I'm very excited with where this episode/section is going to go with. Follow, read more, comment and vote!

Hope you all have an amazing day, goodbye my lovely's<3

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