[twenty-four: petty bitchy sister]

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Winona lays in her bed, her stare stick on the fan that is on the ceiling. Well, it's not her bed but rather her mother's inns' bed, but still.

She feels the man next to her turn to his right, now facing his girlfriend, "Are you okay dove?"


A light switches on, Winona assuming from the lamp on the nightstand. and Logan sits up, "What's wrong?"


"What'd she do now?"


"What did Dean do?"


Logan let's out an annoyed sigh, "Winona, I can't understand what you're trying to say. What did Dean and Rory do to you?"

"They slept with each other Logan." She turns her head to the boy as she sits up, the blanket now resting on both of their hips, "He's married to Lindsey and slept with my sister. My sister, slept with a married man, all because she thinks she has some ex privilege."

"Oh. Wow. That's a lot."

Winona nods and begins to pick at her nails, "Mhm, we got in a fight after I saw them leaving Rory's bedroom. I just can't believe that Rory would do this. I'm not mad at her for having sex, I mean that's totally normal, but she had to do it with a married man." She shakes her head, "Its fucking disgusting."

"I agree dove."

"What am I gonna do Logan."

The blonde man turns to her and puts his arm around her shoulder, pulling the girl into his chest, "You don't have to do anything dove. It's not your problem and you can't protect her forever. She messed up. She fucked up. If I were you, I would tell Lindsey, but that may be a little to petty."

"It would do Lindsey justice though."

"Yeah, yeah it would."


Winona comes downstairs, adjusting her jean jacket properly, to find Lorelai and Rory staring at each other awkwardly.

She gets down the stairs, Rory now staring at her pissed, "Look who it is, Ms. Virgin Mary. Oh wait."

"Shut up Winona."

She rolls her eyes, "Whatever Rory, why don't you go back home and continue to fuck a married man, nobody wants you here. Especially me."

She walks away, Lorelai following after her, "That was a little mean."

"She deserved it."

"Oh yeah she did."


Logan and Winona walk hand-in-hand through Stars Hollow, "There's Luke's up there! Have you ever met Luke?"

"I don't think so dove, but we'll probably be around each other a lot more now."

She turns to him confused, "Well your mom and Luke are dating now, right?"

"I don't know honestly, all I know is that they kissed. But they're meant for each oth-"

Her voice cuts short when she finds Dean stumbling out of Ms. Patty's dance school, and Rory following behind moments later, "You have got to be fucking kidding me."

Both of their heads snap to the brunette, "Winona!"

"Don't Winona me! Are you fucking serious right now! You have a wife Dean! And Rory! You are officially the other women! The women who sleeps with a married man, knowing he is married!"

Rory shakes her head and looks around nervously, "Winona be quiet!" The elder twin lets out a scoff, "Are you joking right now! I'm going to talk as loud as I want! I mean you two are doing it in the middle of town now!"

She turns to Logan, "I'm going to do it. I'm going to be a petty bitchy sister."

650 words

Hey y'all, I honestly was so excited for this chapter, and if anybody disagrees with Winona in this chapter, you scare me. Also, Winona is not going to go with Emily and Rory to Europe because I don't think she could take going on that trip with Rory.

I hope you all liked this chapter! Don't forget to comment, vote, share, follow, and read on...

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