[two: head out of the gutter]

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Around an hour after the boys had walked through the dance marathon, two older adults also walk through, but on the side, looking for their granddaughters and daughter on the dance floor

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Around an hour after the boys had walked through the dance marathon, two older adults also walk through, but on the side, looking for their granddaughters and daughter on the dance floor.  As the couple the walks through the gym, Winona looks up from the slow dancing she is doing with Amanda, and sees her grandparents walking on the side.

She turns back to Amanda, "Hey can we stop now? I want to go say hello to my grandparents."

Amanda sighs and stop's moving, relieved to let her feet finally rest, "I thought you'd never ask."

Winona chuckles at Amanda and starts her way to Emily and Richard Gilmore. Winona had always been close with her two grandparent's, she shared a love for gossip and the lavish life with Emily, while her and Richard shared a love for Yale.

"Grandma! Grandpa!"

Emily and Richard stop walking to see Winona quickly walking towards them. When she finally reaches them she brings them both into an unexpected hug, "Oh! Hello Winona!"

Winona pulls away with a smile, "I'm so glad you guys can come! Come on, come with me I'll introduce you to my best friend Amanda as well as my other friends."

The two grandparent's smile as they are pulled by their granddaughter to the four teen's sitting on the bleachers, assumably gossiping.

"So then she said, that just because we both were hot that doesn't mean we shoul- Oh, Winona darling!"

Winona chuckles at Finns antics, "Well anywho, Finn, Logan, Colin and Amanda these are my grandparents, Emily and Richard Gilmore."

Logan pipes up at the last name, "Gilmore? Well it's nice to meet you."

Emily's eyebrows furrow like they do so often, "And you are?"

Logan nods and stands holding out his hand, "Grandson of Elias Huntzberger, Logan Huntzberger. He has mentioned you two many times."

Richard gives the blonde boy a smile, "Well then, it's nice to meet you, your grandfather is a fine man son."

Logan gives the man a nod and another charming smile, "Yes he is sir."

Richard and Emily look to their granddaughter, "Well Winona, thank you for inviting us we'll be over there watching your mother and sister. Have some fun with your friends."

Richard leans down as they sart to walk away, "I approve of the Huntzberger boy as well, sweetie."

Winona nods and giggles while giving them a smile as they start to walk away. Turning back to her friends she sits down in between Amanda and Logan, "So Huntzberger huh?"

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