[twenty-six: apple doesn't fall far from the tree, huh?]

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Winona lays in bed, In Cold Blood by Truman Capote resting in her hands, when she hears a car door slam from outside. Slowly, she gets out of bed and starts down the stairs.

She's not very excited to see her sister again, but she is excited to see her grandmother again after weeks of her being away.


The Gilmore girl runs into her grandmothers arms, "Oh I missed you so much grandma!" Emily leans back from the hug and smiles at her granddaughter, "You should've come with us! You would've loved Italy and the rest of Europe!"

"I would've loved to, but Logan and I had to finalize some papers on the apartment." Emily smiles at her, her heart warming to see her granddaughter so happy, "That's still going good I can assume?"

"Yep! I'll be moving in to a small apartment with Logan in two days!"


She turns to her daughter, other granddaughter, and Sookie, "Well I should really get going, I'll call you when I get home Winnie for all of the dirty little secrets!"

Winona laughs, "Grandma!" After the door closes she turns back to the other three, and then storms back upstairs.


She continues up the stairs even though she can hear her twin behind her, "Winona! Why would you give Lindsey that letter!"

She stops, and turns, and deadly glare on her face, "Lorelai Leigh Gilmore I really don't want to talk to your kind, hope you had a nice trip, and goodbye!"

"My kind?"

"Yep, homewreckers!"


Reluctantly, Winona follows behind her mother and Rory as Lorelai comforts the girl. For what reason is beyond Winona but she's used to it at this point.

Then, she walks right into something, and when she looks up she sees that Lindsey and her mom and in front of them.

"This is going to be fun."

"You! You should be ashamed of yourself, what you did!" Lorelai tries to save Rory, but it doesn't work, "What did she ever do to you?! Huh? How did she hurt you? Why are you doing this?"

"Theresa please, calm down."

"Calm down! My little girl has to be told by your sister and that letter that you slept with her husband! If it wasn't for Winona she'd still be stuck with that toxic asshole! You're a little monster!"

"Hey! Pull back, lady!"

"There aren't other boys in the world? Do you have to go after her husband!"

"Okay, stop attacking my daughter right now! You're upset, I get it, but you do not do this."

By this point, Winona had had enough. She'd had enough of Lorelai following around Winona like a puppy. Had enough of Lorelai making excusing for every little thing that the girl did just because she was her daughter.

"Mom! She slept with a married man! She slept with a married man and her excuse was that he was hers first! How in the hell could you defend that!"

"She's your sister Winona, show some loyalty!"

Winona gasps, "Okay, I'll show some freaking loyalty!" She moves away from her mother and sister and next to Lindsey, "Lindsey, how would you like to come to Al's Pancake House and have some more sushi, huh?"

Lindsey nods slowly, "I'd like that a lot actually."

Winona nods and wraps her arm around Lindsey's, "Let's go then!" She turns away from the other two, throwing a glare at her sister and her mother, but mainly Rory.


Winona walks back through the front door of her childhood home. As she makes her way through the home she finds her sister and mother watching a movie and eating popcorn together.

It's completely different to Lindsey and her mother (who she has just left) who are sitting on the couch at Lindsey's childhood home, throwing away momentos of Dean, Lindsey sobbing into her mothers shoulder.


"Don't, Lorelai. I mean you have always stuck by this child, and the one time where I think maybe, just maybe, she's going to see a fault, you somehow manage to skip over that fault and just go on your merry way."

"I mean, what the hell! But I guess I shouldn't be that suprised since you slept with dad when he was with Sherry."

Lorelai stares at her horrified, "Winona!" She shakes her head and starts her way up the stairs, "Don't even Lorelai. I guess the apple doesn't fall that far from tree huh? Thank god, I'm not like you two."

785 words

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