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So, if you are a long time follow you might remember my motto was, "I'm skipping school for and so should you."

I'm failing

So I might not be posting everyday for a short time. At least until the quarter is finished. I will try my best to keep a consistent schedule. Anyway if any of you guys have requests lmk. In the meantime enjoy this short.


The Adeptus sat still on the bed, closing his eyes as he started to doze off. "You never told me when's your birthday." Aether pointed out, the blond stopped running his fingers through Xiao's hair. Which made his partner jolt up.

"Why did you stop?"
Xiao asked in a whisper, looking around the room to see if anyone had heard him. "I wanna know your birthday."
Aether said, lying down on the bed. The Adeptus groaned, "I do not concern myself with celebrating my age, and neither should you." Aether huffed, getting up from the bed.

"Then I won't concern myself with helping you fall asleep."
The blond crossed his arms, getting out from under the blanket. He wore nothing but a t-shirt and shorts. "I would rather not have to stand up and convince you to lay down once more."

"When's your birthday?!" Aether's lips formed a pout. "It is on the seventh of the fourth month. Can you lay down now?" The blond hesitantly snuck under the covers once more. Letting Xiao rest on the pillow next to him.

"Sleep, for battle awaits." Xiao murmured, letting himself slowly fall into slumber. "Wait so your birthday is in December?"

The Adeptus awoke, peppering Aether's cheek. "You're much dumber than expected, what an achievement." Aether frowned, kneeing Xiao in the balls. While Xiao silently suffered the blow Aether hugged him tightly.

"Ahh goodnight."
The blond whispered.

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