Freeze tag

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Based on a true story, I'm Xiao and my friend is Aether lol.

"Traveler... what are you doing?"
Xiao asked, cocked his brow curiously. Aether was walking towards hydro slimes on the water.
"Not this again." Chongyun groaned, following Aether and setting down his icey aura. The blond began to tap the slimes with the cryo.

"FREEZE!" Aether yelled, running around the circle while slimes chased him. Xiao wasted no time to kill every single one of them. Turning back to the traveler, Aether's shoulders sunk. "Wait, don't kill them. I was just freezing them," The blond explained.

"Chongyun can you put down the ice circle again, I see slimes in the distance!" Aether ran off to find the nearest slimes. Chongyun trudged through the ankle high water. Xiao followed along, Aether ran around in the water. Tagging slimes and running in the opposite direction.

"Whatcha staring at~" Xingqiu asked, startling the Adeptus. "S-shut up," Xiao hissed, looking away from the cheeky water user.

"Xiao!! Come play!" Aether yelled, waving a hand. The Adeptus rolled his eyes, making his way towards the traveler.

I've finally hit writer's block, anything, any ideas I'll take..

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