Childhood memories

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3rd person POV
"Where are we going?" Asked Keith, confused as ever as to why he was being dragged places. "Just come with me!" Said a 13 and a half year old pico. Since pico loved to ditch school, and Keith loved pico, they would skip school often. Before they found their spot, they would hang out anywhere possible. Shady parks, hospitals, restaurants, you name it. But one day, they found this run down building in the middle of nowhere. It had tons of empty space on the top for anything. Apparently it used to be a very respected restaurant, but since the restaurant owner grew old, he could no longer run or sell it. The city respected it too much for some reason to tear it down though, so it just hung there. Pico went up through one of the vents, and Keith followed. After sitting for a while up there, the owner came up through some entrance. They both thought they were caught, but then the owner laid out run down chairs and some blankets. "Don't want to lose any loved ones to hypothermia! You young couples of all people should know that!" Now, at the time, both of them were dating, but they never went public about it. And though the owner died a few years later, the owners daughter said that the owner said to let the boys use the roof whenever. Though they never really did go back, and of course, broke up later.
~end of flashback~

So now at least, Keith knew where they were going. Pico climbed up the walls, while Keith just took the stars. Together, they sat on the couch, gazing into the stars.

Keith POV
I'm at my favorite spot, with possibly my new favorite person. This all happened too fast, I don't even know what to do now. Suddenly, after a few minutes of star gazing Pico turned over to me. "I'm so fucking sorry, Keith, I didn't mean to ruin your life like this" I filed my head, unknowingly. "No pico, you never ruined my life, I always enjoyed having you as company." Pico looked at me, almost crying. "I...I can't hold it in anymore keith, I fucking love you. And I know it's wrong, I know you have a girlfriend, but I can't deny these feelings anymore." This emotion from Pico emerged a flashback, of that terrible day, where it ended.

~flashback~ (3rd person POV)
It had been one year since the...incident. But it had also been 8 months since the two had started dating. At least in Keith's eyes, things had been going perfect. Keith would sneak out at night, go see pico, and then skip school to be with him. Of course, his grades had gone down to one a, and the rest c's. But over time, his parents learnt to live with the excuse that the work was getting harder on Keith. But that one faithful day, his parents heard the window creaking, and checked the cameras outside. They saw Keith sneaking out and decided to follow him, ending up at picos house.

Still a flashback but now in Keith's pov
Me and Pico were having a pretty good time, we watched some cheesy movies and stuff. At the time, we, or at least I, was too innocent to go much farther than kissing. I snuggled into picos blanket, feeling at peace. That's when I heard the door familiarly slam open, oh fuck, it's them. My parents were the most homophobic people on planet earth, so I knew this wasn't gonna be pretty. At first, I felt pretty safe, because Picos parents would never let them pass by after seeing how angry they are! But then pico broke the news, his dads were not home. Shit.

3rd person POV (still flashback)
Keith's parents slammed the door open, visibly angry. "What girl are you spending all these days and nights with Keith?" Pico spoke up, trying to calm them. "Chill out, he's just-" Pico was cut off after by Keith's mom. "Oh Keith, why didn't you tell us you were sleeping over with a friend? Some disgusting, dirty street rat, but your friend nonetheless, I suppose." Pico, now visibly annoyed tried to get them out. "Wow, ouch much? Anyways, Keith is home safe with me, so you can just leave now-" Pico was yet again cut off, this time by his father. "Um, excuse me, school shooter I didn't ask for your input. My Keith is safe at his friends house, but that doesn't mean I don't want him home." At this, Pico snapped, nobody was allowed to bring that up. "HE'S NOT MY FRIEND, YOU FREAKS! WE'VE BEEN DATING FOR 8 MONTHS, SO ITS NOT HE'S SAFE WITH HIS FRIEND, ITS HES SAFE WITH HIS BOYFRIEND!" At these words, Keith's mother looked offended. "Sweetie, you know how we feel about gays. You will never be one of them, so come here now, or your punishment is going to be 10 times worse." She said in a firm, angry voice. When keith refused to go with, he was dragged by the legs by his father. "I swear, I'll call you babe!" Pico shouted, after this comment, Keith's parents were so upset, he got the worst punishment of his life for "being gay" and "disobeying their rules." It wasn't a simple punishment either, oh, Keith wished his parents did those. It ended up so bad, Keith almost died that night. The night after, Keith was told they were moving, and no matter how keith tried to convince them, he had to move. For a month or so, they did try doing an online relationship, but when that didn't feel the same, they decided to just break it up. They both were heartbroken, and started to never trust anyone again. But eventually, with support from both friend groups, they eventually got over it.

Keith woke up from the flashback to see Pico uneasy. "I-I'm sorry for bothering you, just, go and try to make things right with your girlfriend. I'll move on eventually, I did before." And with that, he got up and left. Wait, he can't leave now! Not after his feelings for Pico were mutual! Keith ran up, and kissed pico, pretty much melting into the kiss. Now, it was Pico's turn to be shocked, but he got over it pretty quick. For a few minutes, they stood there, melting into the kiss. Nothing mattered now, he was with pico, and that's all that mattered. After the kiss, Keith fell asleep on picos shoulder. And Pico joined, it was the best feeling in the world, being with Keith. He never wanted it to end.

(Woo! Longest chapter ever at 1207 words! Now if only I could do that every chapter. I just want to note, this is not the end of the book, but you can consider it an end. I also want to point out that if your parents treat you like Keith's treat his, please seek help in family and friends. Maybe social services if the abuse gets bad. I'm sorry, I'm not good with words, the soft mod explains this better than me, lol.)

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