The future

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So uh- this is kinda a sudden end because I have no clue what else to do with this book short of remaking it some other time. Without further ado!

Entire page in third person POV
Cherry flew in, surprising a very confused Keith. He had wondered why she was here, especially after the whole of yesterday, but she dispelled his suspicions very quickly. "I'm a pure human now, no longer a demon. I have no interest in hurting you, no matter who you date." Was what she said. This in turn made a very suspicious Keith, a very relieved Keith. "I won't deny it, I still have a crush on you somewhat. But I do not have any interest in poisoning you anymore." They had sat down and talked for hours about everything. What to do, what they did, how they are going to do things from now on. Keith even admitted that he never really even had a crush on her, he only wanted to get off the street. He even explained his past, the shooting, his parents, everything. She was a little bit hurt, but promised herself she would get over it. Especially to please Keith, but she wasn't lying either, she had no interest in him anymore either. Not in a bad way or anything, but both understood the other side well enough to not take offense.

This of course led to Keith questioning how the hell she escaped her parents, so Cherry had to run over the whole pure being thing again. So both sides had agreed, but one of them had to call it off. "Okay fine, I'm sorry Keith, but I have to break up with you." Keith pretended to take offense to this as a joke. "Oh no! Cherry how could you do this to me?? I loved you!" Keith said in a way where even a four year old could tell he was joking, which made her play along. "Oh my goodness Keith! I'm sooo sorry but I just don't feel the spark! It's over!!" She practically yelled out, making them both snicker. "Oh wait I forgot to ask, have you and pico, like, you know." Cherry asked, trying to imply it without saying it. "If you mean, uh, you know. That. Then no, not yet, not for a while hopefully. (There's not gonna be smut in this. Control your horny.) But if you mean marriage, then yes! Look at this ring on my finger!" Keith promptly showed her the ring on his finger, confirming her question. "That answers both questions, actually, one that I didn't have before." Keith was very understanding in the questions, and answered everything she asked to the best of his ability.

It was fun, but eventually it got dark. Short of Pico worrying about Keith too much for his own good, everything else felt uneasy too.

                                Carrot head



Thank god, thought
you were dead. Goddamn.

                                                   Sorry lol. Talking            
                                                         With an ex

Wait, who?

                                                      Oh, just Cherry!

Again, who?

                                                       The one who
                                                Interrupted our kiss

Ohh! Plastic Barbie girl!

                                                      Be home soon!

When Keith has walked in, Pico immediately checked for scars. Which lead to intense questioning on what happened. Before the whole situation eventually, thank goodness, being explained. Pico wasn't going to aim for the arm anymore if Keith didn't elaborate. But fortunately, Keith had mercy on the poor girl. She was spared from the gun, and the one who had to suffer through all of this was Keith for her sake. Then of course, it was dark so they had to go to bed. Keith used to have the worst sleeping schedule ever, and Pico used to have nightmares of his school shooting. But it seemed like when they were together, nothing else mattered. It was a good night of sleep nonetheless, not having to worry about anybody chasing the two.

"Babeeee!" Keith whined from the other room. "What is it? I'm trying to get to work before this next century." Pico snarled at him jokingly, which made Keith pout. "Just take off work pleeaase? Cherry invited me and you somewhere." Pico wanted to go, so badly did he want to take off, quit his job so he had more time with Keith. But they needed the money, mostly for-

"Daddy! Where are you going?" Yeah, that's mostly why. They needed money for their adopted demon spawns. Just kidding, skid and pump were pretty good. (A lot of people like this headcanon so bare with me.) But they were practically obsessed with Halloween. "Sorry pumpkin can't take off today. We're slammed." Skid seemed disappointed. "That's what you said yesterday, too!" Keith told them to leave Pico alone. "Sorry kids, Pico has to go to work today. I promise he'll be off this Saturday to help you plan for spooky month." This seemed to make the kids perk up and run off somewhere in the house. "Alright, I gotta go now-" Pico tried to excuse himself before Keith tugged on his arm. "I'll drive you there." It was an offer Pico couldn't refuse, especially with his tiredness. They drove in silence mostly, both were pretty tired after all. This continued for a while before they stumbled onto some familiar train tracks.

Keith stopped here, checking the time to show Pico had about 40 minutes before he needed to get to work. Just enough time to have a quick conversation. Keith sat down and made Pico as well. "Can you believe." Pico sat up, hearing these words from Keith. "That 5 years ago, we both reunited, on these same train tracks?" Pico almost couldn't believe it himself, it felt like 2 years. He ruffled Keith's hair, which made Keith mad. "Well, it was an easy choice. I didn't want to lose you, never. Not even back then." This made Keith happy, but he also felt cold. It was about 55 degrees outside after all, and neither had worn much other than their usual. Keith snuggled up next to pico, he was actually pretty warm for it being so cold.

                       "I missed you too."


                           "You asshat."

                            [The end]

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