Why is she here?

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Keith POV
I woke up next to pico, still haven't gotten my own bed. The important thing is, I woke up to a toaster pop. "Keith, breakfast is ready!" When I went down, I saw a toaster on fire and a stove soaked in water. I love pico all too much, but he is horrible cook. The toaster shouldn't be on fire before you even put anything in? I love him anyways, but we have mutually agreed I do all the cooking. Especially after this incident, unless you like waffles with foam. It's only going to make your stomach upset, I suppose.

Pico pov
Keith can be so cute, even when he's covered in foam. "BEEEP! BOOOP!" He yelled as I doused him, it was cute how his natural instinct is to beep. I chuckled at him, earning me a glare from Keith. Even when he's so mad his glare could melt metal, he still manages to be cute. Anyways, there's a knock at the door, and I hope it's the package I ordered from Amazon, shopping takes time away from me and Keith's relationship. After last time, I learnt to use a camera outside to check who's outside. And of course, it has to be her trying to murder Keith again. "Delivery~" She says trying to fool us that she is a delivery girl. It doesn't work for me, too many incidents to have me be reckless. I know she's going to break down the door eventually, but I can toy with her a bit for sure.

3rd person POV
"Who is it?" Pico shoots back, trying to make his voice like her voice, mocking her. "Amazon delivery services!" Pico was chuckling, he had caught her trying to mask herself as a delivery worker. "Okay, cut the crap! You know it's me pico, so open the damn door!" Okay, pico thought, enough playtime, it's time to see what's happening here. He opened the door to see a boiling red Cherry. "Why the hell did you toy with me?! Just open the damn door!" Pico snickered, earning himself a glare from barbie-knockoff. "Sorry miss, but that's my boyfriend, I can't let you harm him." He stared at the dumbfounded girl in front of him, why was she so shocked? It's not like he was going to tell her where his boyfriend was! At least he's going away safe now, because after she showed up, Pico text Keith to leave.

Blue bitch 💙

Is she gone now?

Nope, reasoning with her now, how
Did you put up with this?

Haha, ignorance I guess.
I also didn't remember you
yet. 🧡

                      Aw that's sweet! Alr gotta go
This bitch won't give up!

Ok asshole, I'm already
in a taxi so go ahead
and destroy her, love you!

Pico looked up from his phone to see a boiling red Cherry. "Well?! Where the fuck is he?" Instead of responding, Pico instead smacked her. "Get the FUCK away from me and my boyfriend from now on. You don't want something bad to happen now do you?" She was offended, instead of words, she settled on choking him. This was all too familiar to pico, and he knew all her weak spots anyway, so he quickly escaped.

Cherry POV
Shit he escaped! Mom and dad will be so mad! I hope they don't feed me the pills anymore, and I hope they don't give me the potion forever. Yeah, my parents poison me, brainwash me. Before this, I wasn't even a demon! I'm thinking about going against their rule, but I could never! Mostly in fear of what they'd do to me. I would be killed, or maybe, no probably worse. It's tempting, but I'm not going through with it, at least not now. First things first, i need my boyfriend back.

Keith POV
I ran. Demon magic is scary when you're being chased, and apparently Uber drivers don't appreciate that. So that left me running away from this lovesick demon. And I'm not that fast (short legs) so she was catching up fast. Eventually, she caught me. "Oh no Keith! You aren't getting away from me any time soon!" I wanted to scream, shout or do anything, but ultimately I was silent during this whole encounter. At this moment Cherry launched into a speech that explained her actions. "You need to come back to me Keith! If you don't my parents will kill me! I've been trying to get you to come to me, so that we can date! I'm going to give you demon pills just like my parents did to me so we can be together forever and-" She froze on her words.

Cherry POV
I tensed up, he wasn't supposed to know about that. If I had any chance of marrying him, it's gone now. All of a sudden, Keith looked up at me and did a speech of his own. "Look, cherry, I can't love you. I wanted to, and I somewhat did love you while we were together. But I can never truly love you because what we had was never real. I'm in love with Pico, nothing can change that. And as for your parents, you need to escape from them, I don't know how you are as a human, but if you escape from their grasp, I think you will be happier. Trust me, I had messed up parents myself, but after escaping them I felt so much better. I know you'll find the one, I'm just not them." This speech made me tear up, and it made me seriously reconsider myself. With no words, I flew away, I hope he took that as me accepting that, because that's what's going to happen. I'm flying to my parents, no, not my parents. My manipulators.

Daddy dearest pov
My beautiful daughter came in today! She seemed upset, especially with us. I guess I did poison her and turn her into a demon, but she was never mad about that, right? She just went up into her room, looking like she wanted to murder someone. Did that good for nothing boyfriend break up with her?! He better not have, they were the perfect couple! Even my daughter always said how perfect of a day she had with him. Speaking of her, she asked me and my wife to sit down for a family meeting.

Cherry POV
I sat my parents down, and explained to them how I didn't want to be a demon anymore. "That's impossible, dear. Even if you wanted to, we transformed you forever." I smirked at her and soaked myself in the water, the cure all over myself. "No! Honey, stay with us!" My dad yelled, but it was too late, I had sprayed it over myself already. Finally it was done, I wasn't under their control anymore. "You'll pay for this, little shit." My dad mumbled, but I knew he couldn't hurt me anymore. If I turned into a pure being, even touching me would hurt them, so I've finally won, I'm human again!

Keith 💙

It's done

Cool I'm finally back with long chapters! It helps so I can have better writing, and In general one day I might just remake this book to be better.

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