Without Her

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Requested: gro_penji
Genre: Angst
Context: You and Nako have been dating for a year
POV: Second Person
Word Count: 1062


Though somewhat unwilling, your consciousness comes back as you wake up from your deep sleep.

What time is it??

You check your phone, finding that it's almost noon, yet your notifications are completely void of any sort of message from your girlfriend, Nako.

Huh... It is the weekend, she could be sleeping in as well...

You lazily get out of bed, going through the motions of your morning routine making sure to check your phone periodically in case you do get that message. As you walked to your apartment's kitchen, an overwhelming sense of dread, coupled with an anxious knot in your stomach sapped all potential motivation to get through the day for you.

I'll just go back to sleep to pass the time.

You walk back to your bed, sliding back in before checking your phone for one last time.

I hope she's okay...

Going back to sleep was absolute hell for you. Thoughts rushed through your mind.

Did something bad happen to her? Did she get kidnapped? She was at home last time we texted... Is she cheating on me, and forgot to text me? No, she would never. Did she lose her phone? Yeah, that's most likely it. She loses so many things that this is probably just one of them.

Despite your efforts to calm yourself down, you couldn't go back to sleep.While laying in bed, you pondered on what you could do to take your mind off of your current situation.

I don't have work today, so I don't have any obligation to get out of bed...

You pick your phone up once more, checking your notifications before opening the device.

There's nothing interesting going on in the news... What about YouTube? I almost always find myself getting sucked in there regardless of what I do.

You scrolled through YouTube, finding a few videos that got your interest, yet you know that you didn't have the patience to get invested in them and would ultimately click away to another video only to repeat the process once more.

This sucks....

After a little thinking, you decided to try to text her to see if that would spark a conversation between you two.

Mint Choco

are you awake?

Feeling somewhat at ease, you put your phone down and closed your eyes. Yet for some reason, the anxiety still coursed through you.

What if she doesn't respond? What should I do? Should I go to her apartment? I guess I could, but I don't have a car yet, so I'd have to either take the bus, or walk. That's a thirty minute walk to get to her place. If I want to take the bus, I'd have to take a string of busses... I'll just give her time to respond.

You close your eyes in an attempt to pass time, eventually falling back asleep.


Slowly, you come back into consciousness. Your body felt like lead, and you felt like absolute shit. Every fiber in your body didn't want to move, but you just didn't want to be awake either. Suddenly, you remember your situation, jolting your body to pick up your phone.

"Please, please, please, please..."

You turn on your phone to see nothing but a few notifications from social media and the news. Your heart immediately sinks.

Where are you...

You pull up Nako's contact, pressing the call button.


You sit with a heavy heart.


Anxiety coursed through you as you worried for your girlfriend.


"Please pick up..."

"Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message system-"

You hang up the line in a panic.

What happened to her?!

You rush to your closet, changing into a new set of clothes before hastily making your way to the door. After putting your shoes on, you run to the nearest, thankful that the bus was there.

Perfect. This is the one that leads me to the bus that goes to Nako's place.

You get on board, paying the bus driver for the commute. As you sat down, your heart raced. Each beat sent pulses through your body as anxiety coursed through your veins.

There's no way she's cheating on me. Even if she was, she's always been diligent with her replies, so she'd surely text back after all these hours. Could she have gotten kidnapped?

As the thought brushed your mind, another wave of anxiety pulsed through your mind, causing a painful knot to form in your stomach.

I don't have any of her friend's contacts, so I can't ask them. I'll just have to find out when I get to her place.

After a string of painful bus rides, you eventually reached Nako's apartment, rushing up the stairs, and to her door.

Please be here...

You knock on the door, waiting a few moments before knocking again.


Now impatient, you grab the handle, twisting it.

It's unlocked...

Streams of thoughts rushed through your mind as you thought about every possible reason as to why the door to your girlfriend's place would be unlocked.

Did someone break in, and not lock it on their way out? Did she forget to lock her door on her way out?  What if-

You swing the door open. The resulting scene causes your heart to drop. Your breathing goes shallow as you walk into the entrance. Everything was empty. Every room you checked, every cabinet, everything. It was as if nothing was there from the start.

W-Where are her things?! Where is she??

You fall to your knees as tears began to stream down your face. Your chest heaved as you fought for air causing your head to go light. You notice the tips of your fingers going numb, and beads of sweat dropping down the sides of your face. Every part of your body was in turmoil. Your chest hurt with every breath you took, your head was unbearably light as you slowly lowered your body to the ground. The knot in your stomach was paired with the feeling of nausea causing you all sorts of discomfort as disorder controlled your mind.

Nako... Where did you go...

You slowly lose feeling in your body as your eyes grow heavy from crying.

I'm alone now...

Helplessness overwhelmed your mind as you slowly drifted off to sleep.

What am I going to do without her...

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