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Saira's POV:

"You know what... I don't know why... I think I might've developed a crush on him hearing your words alone and I feel he looks far better than Taylor Lautner actually ..." I confessed. She giggled hearing my confession and said "Are you serious, you didn't even meet him and it's not like he is super handsome or something like that" I told her "I don't know but yeah after hearing those small things I think he is a gentleman and you know looks never mattered for me. I know I haven't met him but I just started having some kind of weakness for him". I asked her if she still likes him or not, she told me no she didn't like him but she found him cute and nice. Since that night I found myself completely obsessed with him. Almost in every conversation one way or another his name used to come up, I liked it though daydreaming about him.

It was Sunday, Crystal told me why don't I follow him on Instagram because I literally used to stalk his both Instagram and Facebook account. I was scared, she assured me that what would even go wrong like he already has so many followers, he wouldn't know that I already knew him. After a lot of negotiating and nagging, I followed him, I don't know why but I was very scared maybe due to the fact that I knew this will never happen or maybe I was afraid that what if he notices me, I was totally confused. Crystal said to me" You see he'll follow you back for sure" I knew that I shouldn't keep any expectations but she assured me so confidently that I also started believing that yes, he is gonna follow me back. 

I was checking my notifications every few minutes to see whether he followed me back or not and as I knew he didn't. I was getting more and more restless, I knew I shouldn't have kept expectations because I believe in the saying of my Sakha(Lord Krishna) " Never keep expectations from anyone because no expectations = no disappointment and when you get something unexpectedly at an unexpected moment that gives you the true, sheer happiness" but alack I let my actions and expectations disappoint myself. 

The reason why I didn't want to follow him and why I was scared of this that disappointment of not being noticed, disappointment of expecting too much from someone I haven't even met, disappointment that I broke my own principle so I shouldn't blame anyone but me.

 Finally, 3 weeks passed since I followed him and I decided that neither will I think about him anymore nor will expect anything from him. I was trying very hard but failing miserably, every time someone will mention his name maybe unknowingly in some different context an unknown smile will creep to my face and the reality would hit me right after that. It took me a few more days but finally I was able to control myself, I didn't stalk him in any social media handles for weeks, I stopped thinking about him and decided to focus on my board exams more, I was trying to live my life the way I used to before I knew him and as everyone says nothing's impossible the word itself says I'm possible.

 I won't say I was over him because I knew I couldn't remove him from my mind but I just buried him and the subjects related to him very deep inside my head so that I can spend my time happily without getting lost in his train of thoughts but life never fails to surprise you with new things sometimes good, sometimes bad and sometimes a bit of both. I didn't know what the great almighty decided for me but I was having an intuition that something big is waiting for me which will be undoubtedly the most unexpected.    

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