See you sooner!

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Saira's POV:

It was finally the time I was dreading the most. It was the 31st night, we both were doing our final packing as we were leaving the next day early in the morning. After coming home and having dinner, our parents decided to have a New Year's Eve party, I was trying to enjoy and be happy but I knew I just had a few more hours with him. I could sense he wasn't his usual over-energetic, enthusiastic party fellow either. We both were sitting together and watching others. The elders were too high to care so I just excused myself and went to the rooftop. Everywhere it was fully lit and music was playing. The year was ending and so was our time together. I was standing against the railing and enjoying the cool breeze, the moon was smiling at me. I was lost in my train of thoughts when suddenly a pair of hands snaked my waist, and I knew who it was from that intoxicating cologne of his.

I couldn't hold myself anymore, the dams of my eyes broke open. He rested his head on the crook of my neck and wiped my tears. I knew my makeup was all over my face but I didn't care. He turned me around and said, "Not all endings are sad Sai. The year is ending too but people are celebrating because they are eagerly waiting to welcome the new year with new opportunities and new beginnings. You should do the same. We should cherish the moments we have together and wait for the next time."

I knew he was right but my emotions took control of me and I started crying, hugging him. He didn't say anything but let me cry. He just glided his hand through my hair while his other hand was still holding me. We stayed in that moment for how long we didn't know but when I was a bit sober, I reluctantly detached myself from him and looked up at him. He wasn't crying like me but his eyes held mixed emotions of sadness, adoration, and something I didn't know what.

He suddenly gave me one of his air pods and took one. I looked at him questioningly but he scrolled through his phone and then a song started playing.

"You are a dancer, right? Then let me have the honour of dancing with you and express our emotions through it" he smiled saying.

I smiled at his words. I knew he wasn't a very good dancer but his thoughtfulness and the mention of my first love, dance made my heart flutter.

We didn't say anything, just held each other and swayed with the music, soaking in the moment. It was one of my favourite songs and the lines felt so appropriate at that time. For some time, I literally forgot everything ; just staring at each other's eyes felt like staring at each other's souls. Everything in the background faded away, it was just the two of us, the moonlight and the lyrics..

I felt goosebumps covering me and he pulled me closer if that was even possible as we were pressed to each other and the lyrics said...

You claim it's not in the cards

And fate is pulling you miles away

And out of reach from me

But you're here in my heart

So who can stop me if I decide that you're my destiny?

What if we rewrite the stars?

Say you were made to be mine

Nothing could keep us apart

You'd be the one I was meant to find

It's up to you, and it's up to me

No one can say what we get to be

So why don't we rewrite the stars?

Maybe the world could be ours, tonight........

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