Really sorry if you thought this was a chapter...
I know I haven't updated in a while, I'm sorry, I've had exams and a load of coursework to do and our school haven't had any 'snow days' and everything has been piling up.
And now there is another blow... Im having an operation on Wednesday (2 days time) and I dont have time to update a full chapter before then without it being rubbish or too short, I think chapters should be about quality not quantity so I'm sorry but no updates for a while. I've also had an absolutely horrendous headache and I'm struggling with looking at screens for long periods of time.
My operation is on my wrist/hand so I will be out of action with that hand for a week or so - but the thing about my recovery is some days I will feel fantastic and be able to do things, other days I'll be in agony. Initial recovery will take 4-6 weeks but I hope to have an update or 2 up before then.
I really hope you understand and aren't annoyed. As soon as my wrist is better I will be updating firstly my HP fanfic a couple of times and then I will be taking my One Direction one off hold because I have fully planned it out and know where I am heading with it and I have new inspiration.
Thank you so much for all the continued support and patience!
Hopefully be writing again soon
Did I Use Too Much Magic?
RomansaHermione's pregnant, what is everyone going to do Romione/Dramione ******for you to understand this book I stongly advise you to read my first fanfic 'Harry Potter and the Disasters of Love'*******