Hermione's POV
Monday morning has arrived and I can't contain my nerves. The History of Magic exam doesn't begin until 2pm but I am really nervous for it... And that is why I can't sleep and I am revising at 4 o'clock in the morning.
I keep checking my notes and then run for the bathroom, where I through up, go back to my revision and then continue the process all over again. The next 4 hours continue like this, and the rest of the girls in my dormitory don't even stir... Why can't exams be my only problem?
It's weird because even though morning sickness can come at anytime, it affects me more when I'm nervous or stressed... I'd much rather it wouldn't.
I continued to revise, even as the rest of the girls in my dormitory got dressed and left for breakfast. I remained in my pyjamas until Lavender and Parvati shut the door behind them, and then I started to get ready. Recently I have been putting my clothes on before or after the rest of the girls so they won't see the bump and suspect anything, even though they would probably think it was fat - but you can't be too careful.
I gathered up my notes and pushed them in to the pocket of my robes as I wandered down the stairs to the Common Room where Harry, Ron, Liam, Louis, Niall, Zayn and Harry were all sitting waiting for me.
"So do you 5 have the morning off?" Niall asked as we left the Common Room through the Portrait Hall.
"Yup, so we can revise... Which we need to do!" Ron said, "It's History of Magic, the one that I'm bound to fail," Harry nodded in agreement.
"But at least you don't have to go to double Potions instead," Harry responded, pouting. Louis gave him a little bit of comfort.
We arrived at the Great Hall and sat down at the table next to Fred, George, Angelina, Alicia and Lee. They all looked as nervous as I felt, with them doing their N.E.W.T exams as well.
"How'd you feel Ronnie?" George asked, trying to lighten the mood.
"Awful, who knows all the Goblin Rebellion dates off by heart?" He looked stunned why anyone would try... But I knew them all... Was that such a bad thing?
"Ah Ron, with us being your older brothers there is nothing for you to worry about, just get more than 3 and you'll beat us," George replied
"Well get more than 6 if you want to do it properly," winked Fred.
This didn't give any of us any confidence and didn't make us feel any better, even Louis' jokes couldn't make us feel better. The only person who felt the slightest bit okay with the situation was Liam who had received a letter off Danielle this morning wishing him luck, and telling him that she would be arriving to see him on Friday evening and would be staying until we broke up from school.
So after breakfast Louis set off for History of Magic, Niall and Harry set off for Potions and me, Ron, Harry, Liam and Zayn set off for the Common Room to fit in some last minute revision.
All morning I could hardly read my notes, there were too many distractions.
When we went down to Lunch I couldn't eat anything, even though everyone tried to get me to.
Inevitably 2 o'clock arrived and we all queued up outside the Great Hall. Professor Binns and Professor McGonagall were standing next to the door trying to keep everyone in order.
As I went to walk in to the Hall behind Ron, McGonagall pulled me aside and walked me through the Hall, past the lines and lines of desks with the students sitting behind them, past the examiners who were making sure everything was in order, past the hour glass at the front of the Hall and in to the ante-chamber where there was a single desk, a quill, an exam paper and a chair for me and a chair where an examiner was sitting.
Did I Use Too Much Magic?
RomanceHermione's pregnant, what is everyone going to do Romione/Dramione ******for you to understand this book I stongly advise you to read my first fanfic 'Harry Potter and the Disasters of Love'*******