the kold guy

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"ugh, why is it so cold?" asked the ice monkey

"cold? what the heck is cold?" the phoenix wizard replied as he breathed fire everywhere

"will you two please shut up? i'm trying to pick a banana to toss out to the player and i can't focus with you two constantly fighting over the temperature" yelled the banana farm

"i'll give you a ripe banana" the phoenix wizard said as he set the farm on fire

the banana farm burned away leaving nothing but a massive pile of bananas

"ok that's enough drama for one day, i'm going to sleep" the ice monkey said as he got in the freezer

the phoenix wizard just stood there, staring at the freezer for a minute before muttering "so that's why he claims to be so cold..."

he then missed a MOAB and was fired

moral of the story: don't get distra- hang on a sec there's a thunderstorm outside

ok 2 things:

1: that pun at the end wasn't intended at first, but i'm keeping it there anyways

2: i apologise if you died while reading this. it took me a while to type just because i couldn't stop laughing

anyways that's that story finished, but there's more stories to be thought of and then typed up so don't worry.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2021 ⏰

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