chapter 2

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I'm really sorry that I have'nt update in a while! This chapter is not that long and good but next is going to be better. Promise!


I woke up early in the morning of a big wet kiss in my face. I opened my eyes and I saw Ruby standing on my stomach and waving with her tail. 

"You wanna go out don't you..?" Ruby barked. I jumped out of bed and got dressed. I put on my jeans shorts, a white lace t- shirt and converse to. I let my hair rest on my shoulders. I put on Ruby her leash and we walked out. When we walked towards the park I let Ruby out from the leash and ofcourse she had to run away from me.. 

"Crap.." I whispered to myself and then a ran after Ruby. I saw Ruby at a bench with a boy with bleached blonde hair with some brown highlights. Ruby barked at the boy so I thought she was attacking him or something cause that's what she usally bark on strangers..

"Omg I so sorry! She's just a puppy she has'nt learnd yet.. I'm sorry!" I did'nt notice who the boy was til I looked into his blue eyes of his. It was Niall Horan. Niall Horan from One Direction.

"What? No it's fine, she just wanted to play!" He smiled at me and my heart melted. 

"She did? She allways barks on strangers.." 

"What's her name?" 

"Her name is Ruby!" I smiled. I did'nt know what to do. Should I just stand their and be awkward or should I sit down on the bench? 

"Oh I did'nt catch your name!" He hold out his hand.

"Oh.. Uhm... Clara!" I shaked his hand and he smiled.


"I know... I mean... Nice to meet you!" Gosh... I'm so emberising.. Now he must think I'm just another fan or something... 

Niall grinned.

"Nice to mee you too! Are you from England?"

"No, I'm just here over the summer at my aunts house. But I really want to live here some day.." I sat down on the bench next to Niall and we talked. I totally forgot that it was Niall. He just felt like any person. I did'nt care that he was famous. 

"Oh! So where you from then?" Niall looked questionly. 

"Sweden!" I smiled and so did he.

"Sweden? Really? Cool! So.. where do you live now? Over the summer!... I'm not a stalker, promise!"

I giggled. "That white house over there!" 

"Nice! I..." Niall got iterumted by his phone. He checked his phone and looked disapointed. 

"I'm sorry.. I have to go.." 

"It's fine! Well.. See you sometime?" I don't really think I'm going to see him again.. He's Niall Horan, I don't think he walks here every morning..?

"Yes! I really hope! Bye Clara!" He said my name.. I could'nt stop smiling. 

"Bye Niall!" He smiled at me and then he walked towards a black car with black windows so you could'nt see in. I still sat down on the bench. Smiling at myself. Ruby starred at me like I was a idiot.  Then I remembered I have to get home getting ready to meet Hannah, Belle and Sarah. Should I tell  them about who I met? They are going to get crazyyy. They do really love One Direction.

I walked home with Ruby and I got ready to meet my friends.

A few hours later I walked back to the spot where I was about to meet my friends. I saw three girls by a tree. When I saw it was them I runned towards them and we got crazy.

"CLARAAAA!!!!" The girls screamed and runned towards me and we hugged.

"We missed you soooo much!!!" Sarah hugged me and we all got crazy. 

We walked to Starbucks to take a cup of coffee. We settled down and talked about everything that happend since I left the last time. Then I remembered to tell them about who I met earlier. 

"Okay so you love One Direction right?" I smiled and they all looked questionly.

"Yeah, duh..?" Belle laughed. 

"Then you won't believe who I met in the park this morning!" They all look like a question marks and waited for me to say. 

"I met... Niall Horan!!" 

"Are you kidding me?!?!?!?!" They screamed and everybody on Starbucks looked wierd on us but  we did'nt care. 

"I'm not joking! It was this morning in the park and Ruby ran to him!" They stilll looked shoked and fangirled. 

"What did he say?!" Sarah said exitedly.

"Well... We did'nt have time to talk so much but he said he hoped to see me again and I shaked his hand!"

"Omg, you're so lucky Clara!" Hannah squeaked. 

They asked thousand questions about how it felt to touch him and if he's eyes was so perfect as everybody says they are and more. After talking a few hours on Starbucks I walked back home.


Sorry for a crappy and short chapter but I have'nt upload in a while and I got kinda stressed but I promise to write a better chapter SOON. It won't take that long again. Promise! 

You're my summer love - A Niall Horan fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now