Chapter 6

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"You don't feel sick, you're not warm so it's not feaver.. It's probably just a cold." Aunt Anna put her hand on my fore head. I faked caughed alittle. I don't like to lie but I was'nt in the mood being out with my friends and put on a fake smile.. I just can't act like just a friend to Niall... I love him... And he dose'nt love me... I sighed. 

"Are you sure you're just sick Clara..?" Anna look suspicious on me, she probably knew I did'nt tell her the whole truth..

"Mmhmm.." I looked down and sighed.. God I feel guilty when I lie... Anna walked towards my door.

"You know you can talk to me Clara?" She said before she left. She closed the door and I drag my blanket over my head. Now I feel more guilty.. 

My bed started to vibrate and alittle beep sounded. I checked my phone and I got a text from Niall.


From: Niall Horan <3

Where r u? I've been missing you.. :(

To: Niall Horan <3

I have a cold, I'll probably get well soon!


I could'nt ignore him.. I mean he was'nt mean to me or something so why should I..? I decided to forget about everything for a minute and take a sleep. 

*The next day*

Today I decided to meet my friends. I could'nt lay in bed forever and watch depressing movies. I put on a nice outfit and pulled up my hair in a pony tail. I met them at the park and i got a hug from everybody. When it comed to Niall it was a very stiff hug.. Sarah pulled me out from everyone.

"Are you okay?" She asked me with a sympathetic look on her face. It felt like she knew something, maybe they saw the magaine? I did'nt know what to answer so I just looked down on my sneakers trying to answer her question. 

"I'm.... I'm fine... I guess..." I did'nt make eye contact, I just did'nt know what to say.. I don't wanna lie to her..

"Clara.. I saw the magazine.. do you like Niall?" I sat down on the park bench beside me and burried my face in my hands,

"Yes.. Yes I do.." I said but not so clear because I still had my face in my hands.

"Clara that's great! You have to tell him!" Sarah sat down beside me and laid her hand on my shoulder. 

"What? No... What about his "girlfriend".." I said looking at Sarah. 

"Are you sure it's his girlfriend..?" Sarah asked me. Ofcourse it's his girlfriend.. I mean that picture... 

"Are you two comming?" Louis yelled. Me and Sarah walked towards the others.

"What were you talking about?" Harry asked smiling. I got panic and did'nt know what to say.

"Uhm... you know... girl stuff.... So what's the plans for today?" I switched the subject hoping they switched the subject. 

"Well, we were thinking the beach so everybody will go get their stuff and then the boys pick us up with Louis car!" Hannah smiled. Me and Sarah agreed and then everybody got home getting their suff. 

I ran home and packed my red bikini, a towel, sunscreen and some sunglasses. I heard a car outside so I ran out just about to get in the car.

"Wait!! You dropped your sunscreen!" A voice said behind me.

"Oh.. than..." I put my sunscreen back in my bag and then I saw who the person was. In front of me standed a tall boy with brown hair styled to a quif and sparkling blue eyes. 

"JASON?!" I screamed and hugged him tight. Jason was a old friend to mine that lived next to aunt Anna. Jason was my first friend in London and we have alot of great memories together. Jason was also one of my big crushes.. When he moved I got heart broken but my feelings have changed now and I have feellings for someone else.. 

"Hi Clara!! It was'nt yesterday was'nt it?" He joked and chuckled. 

"You look so diffrent!" Jason had changed. He looked hotter... 

"Well you did'nt except me to stil look like a fourteen year old?" He teased and I grinned. 

"Jason I totally forgot you're such a big teas.." I joked and he chuckled. I remembered my friends were stil waiting so me and Jason said our good byes and exchanged numbers so we could talk about what happend since he leaved and stuff. 

Nialls POV: Clara got back in the car after talking to that boy "Jason" or what his name was.. 

"Was that Jason?! Your big crush Jason???" Hannah gasped. Her crush? What..? 

"He WAS my crush.. And yes it was Jason.." Clara blushed. I looked out the window ignoring their talk about Jason. When we finally arrived to the beach we got changed and swimmed except for Zayn.. Clara sat down on a beach chair. 

"Hi Clara!" I smiled sitting down on a chair beside her. 

"Oh hi Niall..!" She gave me a little smile. 

"What's wrong Clara..?" I looked at her. What have I done.. What have happend to her.. 

"Uh.. Nothing.." She gave me a nervous smile. She looked at the ocean where Hannah, Harry and Louis were splashing water on each other, Sarah and Zayn were away buying ice cream or soemthing and Liam and Belle were walking along the beach holding hands. 

"Please Clara.. I know something is wrong! Please tell me!" I allmost screamed.. I don't know what I was doing..

"Niall.." Clara said weanting me to stop. 

"No.. Don't lie to me.. You have been ignoring me! Just tell me!" I realised what I just said to her... What was I thinking... You should never scream on a girl... 

"I'm not going to tell you if you act like this! You can figure out yourself.." She took her things and ran away with tears.. What have I done.. I maked her cry... In a bad way.. Not in happy tears.. I looked around and Harry, Hannah and Louis had stop splashing around. Their eyes were on me. I took my stuff and ran home. 

When I got home I layd down on my bed thinking I was a jerk.. What should I do to make her happy again and forgive me.. I can't text her or call.. She would never answer.. I can't go home to her.. She would never let me in.. I know what to do.. Write down my feelings for her.. I'm gonna write her a song. And the song is called Summer Love. 

You're my summer love - A Niall Horan fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now