Chapter 7

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Clara's POV: A few weeks had passed and I haven't seen Niall since the beach.. I was now back in that position I was a couple of weeks ago. In the bed. Watching depressing movies. It had rained alot these days.. It felt like the weather changed based on my mood..

I watched the raindrops fall down my window as my phone vibrated. I checked it and it was no text it was a reminder that I'm going home to Sweden in a couple of days.. I sighed. I don't want to go home.. It means I have to leave my friends and Niall.. I know me and Niall was'nt in the "happiest" place or what you say now but my feelings for him is still there..

I got up from bed and strolled down to the kitchen and sat down by the kitchen table where Aunt Anna sat drinking her tea. I poured down some milk in my cereal and started to eat.

"How do you feel about going home soon?" Aunt Anna asked writing down some cross words in a news paper.

"I don't know.. I guess it's going to be nice to meet Lovisa and mom and dad if they are home.." I sighed.

"You know they love you but they work so hard so you and your sister can live a good life." Aunt Anna smiled sympathetic at me. Aunt Anna was such a good aunt.. You could allways talk to her when mom could'nt. And don't get me wrong, I love my mom and dad. They're just really busy sometimes.

"Yeah I guess so.." I smilled and eated up my breakfast.

"And you, it's going to sort out with your friend Niall." I told Anna everything cause she kept asking questions why I came home crying that day.

*3 days later*

Nialls POV:

Since that day "the incident" happend I've been in my apartment everyday.. In my bed. I only leaved my room if it was about food or going on the toilet. The boys have been here trying to get me up but they never succeed.. I heard a knock on my bed room's door. In comed the lads and Belle holding Liams hand. I pulled my cover over my head and sighed.

"Okay Nialler. You have to get up! You can't lay here forever?!" Louis said standing beside my bed.

"Yes I can.." I sighed stil having my cover over my head.

"What's this..?" Zayn said. I pulled away my cover seeing he readed my song to Clara. I tryed get it back but he would'nt give it back.

"Niall this song is great! Is it about..?" Zayn asked not saying Claras name. Belle readed the song and looked shocked..?

"Do you like Clara?" Belle asked still looking shocked. I nodded and layed back on my bed and sighed.

"But don't you have a girlfriend..?" Belle asked. What? Girlfriend? What was she talking about..? I don't have a girlfriend..? What..?

"No..?" I sat up looking like a question mark.

"But what about that girl on the magazine..?" Belle stil looked shocked and the others just starred did'nt know what she was talking about.

"What magazine..?" I asked. Belle started digging in her bag handing me a magazine. On the magazine it was me and that girl from our new video that had'nt comed out yet. On the title it said "Niall Horans new girlfriend?". Oh no.. What if Clara saw this... What if she saw this and got sad..? Does she likes me..?

"Clara likes you.." Belle said smiling. I smilled thinking about it.. Clara likes me.. I have to talk to her.. I started get up from my bed and they just starred at me.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked looking at me with a wierd face.

"I need to talk to Clara!" I said putting on my jacket.

"Niall.. That was what we were going to tell you.. Clara is going home today.. Home to Sweden.. She's allready on her way to the airport.." Zayn gave me a sympathetic look. I just starred.. She's going home today... God I totally forgot.. I put my hands in my pockets in my jacket. I felt something in my pocket.. Some sort of paper. I took it out and looked at it. It was the picture me and Clara took on the amusement park.. I looked at Clara.. I can't lose her. Not now.. I put it back in my pocket and ran out to my car. I drived as fast as I could to the airport. When I got to the airport I ran to the security but the guards would'nt let me through. I walked to the window and saw the airplane disapeared through the sky..

Clara's POV:

I sat on the plane looking out through my window.. The only thing I could think about was how stupid I was not saying good bye Niall.. I mean.. Maybe I won't see him again? I tear roller down my cheak and I quickly dryied it away with my hand. I closed my eyes hoping get some sleep but I could'nt.

*3 days later*

I was cleaning my room when I was taking away a shirt from my desk and my phone fell out. The phone case fell of and out came a picture. I sat down on the floor and looked on the picture. It was the picture of me and Niall from the photo booth when we were at that amusement park. I smilled as I looked on the picture.

My phone vibrated and I got a text from Hannah.


From: Hannah :) <3

Turn on the TV, It's the Alan Carr show!!


I turned on the Alan Carr show and One Direction was there. I sat down and watched. The audience cheered and screamed as the boys walked in. They talked about their new album that will be released soon and some other stuff.

Nialls POV: I was sitting in the sofa with the lads and we were talking about the new album and some other stuff. Then Alan turned to me.

"So Niall. I heard you write the song 'Summer love' on the new album. I got to see some lyrics and is it about someone special..?" Alan asked as I got panic. What should I say..

"Maybe.." I grinned alittle and the audience laughed.

"Is it maybe this girl?" Alan showed the picture that was on the magazine. My smile disapeared.

"No that's just a girl from our new video" I said and I really hoped Clara watched now and heard the truth.

"So maybe it's this girl..?" Alan showed a picture of me and Clara. It was from the amusement park and we were smiling at each other. I smilled and then I noticed everybody was starring at me so I blushed.

"Oh I understand.." Alan said and you could here some laughter in the audience.

It was pretty embarissing for a while but we did the whole interview.

Clara's POV:

I gasped as I saw the picture on the Alan Carr show. Niall blushed and Alan said "Oh I understand.." I stil gasped over what just happend.. On the TV. Do.. Do Niall like me.. I smiled at the thought.

I need to go back. I need to go back to London. I need to see Niall and tell my feelings and say sorry. I ran down to my mom and dad and I dropped the bomb.

"Mom, dad. Can I move to London?" They looked up from their work and just starred at me.

"Move to London..?" Dad asked starring at me.

"I can live at Aunt Annas house if it's okay for her ofcourse and I can visit Sweden aa much as I can and I know this great school in London that is perfect for me!" I smiled. They stil looked shocked over what I just said.

"Well.. Uh... Clara.. I don't know" mom said itching her head.

"Come on. I basically allready live their? And that school I talked about is perfect. It's a acting school and it's a great opportunity for me.. Please..?" I said getting down on my knees doing my best puppy face. Mom and dad looked at each other.

"Well.. We need to know something more about the school and it has to be okay with Anna.." Dad said.

"So is it a yes?" I asked waiting for a answer. Please say yes. Please.

You're my summer love - A Niall Horan fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now