Chapter 9

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Hannahs POV:

It started to be late so we decided to head home but Niall and Clara was no where to be seen. Me and Harry walked out on the balcony and found Niall and Clara cuddled up to eachother. It was so cute!

"Aw Harry look at them! They are so cute!" I smiled. The others joined us and did the same thing.

"They are cute but I bet we looked cuter!" He winked at me. I giggled and he kissed me on the lips. Harry took a blanket and put it around them.

Harry walked me home and we holded eachothers hands. He gave me a good night kiss and then I went to bed.

Claras POV:

I woke up the next morning in the same posistion as when I falld asleep. Me and Niall was cuddled up and we had a blanket around us. I looked up at Niall and he was sleeping like a rock. I smiled thinking about last night. The night he first was my friend and then becomed my boyfriend. A year ago he was a big celeb crush I never thought I would even breath the same air as him. And when I met him he was'nt a celeb, he was just a normal boy. But he is'nt a normal boy, he's so much more then that. You can't describe how great he is. I can be myself with him and he dose'nt mind.

I woke him up with a gentle kiss and he woked up smiling.

"You should woke me up everyday" Niall smiled playing with a lock from my hair. I giggled.

"Do my princess want some breakfast?" Niall smiled.

"I'd love to!" I smiled. I love that he calld me his princess, because he's my prince I've been looking for. He carried me into his kitchen with bridal style.

"You're a true gentleman Niall!" I giggled as he put me down on a chair.

"I've heard that alot!" Niall winked at me and I giggled.

We spent the day watching movies and cuddling. It was one of the best days in my life. When it was time to go home it was hard to say goodbye. Even tough we'll meet tomorrow. He calld me as soon as I got out from the door and we talked the whole way home.

"What are you so happy about..?" Anna asked and crossed her arms, waiting for a answer. I told her everything and now she could'nt stop smiling. I felt alittle awkward talking about it to my aunt but I know I always can talk to her.

"Anna you should get someone! Someone you can live with and loooove!" I said and smirked. I want Anna to have someone. I mean she's 30 and dose'nt have someone.. I don't want her to be alone when I'm not going to be here.

"Clara in this age it is'nt that easy to find someone.. I mean I want to find the right one!" Anna said an drinked from her tea she had.

"Yeah I guess so.. But you can always go on a dating site!" I said and smiled.

"No no.. That's nothing I'm doing!" Anna said and chuckled.

"Okay but if you change your mind I'll help you!" I giggled and ran up to my room. I pulled up my phone from my pocket and 4 texts. One was from Niall.


From: Nialler

Miss you allready my princess! :)

To: Nialler

Miss you to my prince!


The others was from the girls. They all asked if we were a couple now. I put them all on a group call and they picked up after a few tones.

"Hiiii Claraaa!!" They shouted happy.

You're my summer love - A Niall Horan fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now