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It has been a week ever since the rest of the ninja (minus Nya and Lloyd) and Master Wu were crushed in the Bounty
by the giant Colossus that Lord Garmadon had made... And it has been 6 hours ever since Nya had found out... And here it was... Hour 3... Lloyd was on his knees, infront of Nya, pleading her to eat, with a bowl of noodles was set beside her... Yet, Nya never really faced Lloyd, instead she was only looking out the window where, outside the rain was pouring down...
Lloyd:Please Nya! You have to eat... *sits down*
Nya:I don't really want to eat, ok Lloyd?...
Nya:I SAID I DONT WANT TO EAT OK??!!!!?? (Welp that took a dramatic turn of events...)
Lloyd fell back, taken aback by Nya's sudden outburst... His emerald green eyes wide open... While on the other hand, Nya was shocked... She never really meant to scream at Lloyd... It was supposed to be a gentle response...
Lloyd:*whimpers and shuffles away from Nya*
Nya:Lloyd! I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean to scream at you!! *runs to Lloyd and side hugs him* *quietly* I'm so sorry... I never meant to scream at you... It's just that-that... *chokes*
Tears start pooling in Nya's aqua blue eyes, while they darted around the room...
Lloyd:Calm down, Nya... Breath in and out...
Nya:*breath hitches*
Lloyd:Look at me Nya... It won't help if your eyes keep darting around...
Nya:*looks at Lloyd's eyes* *breathing returns back to normal*
Lloyd:Yeah... That's right...
Nya:*rests head on Lloyd's lap and tugs on his hoodie*
Lloyd:*feels his hoodie being tugged* Oh, you want it?
Nya:*shakes head*
Lloyd:It's ok... *takes off hoodie and gives it to Nya*
Nya:*puts on hoodie* *mouths* Thank you...
Lloyd:You're welcome... Now that you're calm, are you going to continue what you were saying?
Nya:*nods quickly* Look, it's just that... I really miss J-Jay... I really want to be in his warm, safe, and soft hands, just like what we're doing... And... I never really got to say goodbye and 'I Love You'...
Lloyd:*eyes widen a little* You-You never say I Love You to Jay...
Nya:Look, I don't really show affection verbally... Instead I show it by action, like hugs, kisses on the cheek, cuddling,   spending time together... All those kind of stuff...
Lloyd:And I've never seen you so jealous with Jay spending time with Stephanie...
Nya:Maybe a little too jealous
Lloyd:Well, I think Jay loves you being jealous...
Nya:But why?
Lloyd:It shows that you still care for him and harboring a lot of feelings for him...
Nya:Why would be think I don't care for him?...
Lloyd:Well... Cause lately... Before they y'know, you've been kind of ignoring him... And not spending time with him...
That's why he spends the rest of his days with Stephanie... I mean... You've been pretty much ignoring all of us...
Remember that time where Jay knocked on your door and you screamed for him to go away?
Nya:Y-Yeah... I do...
Lloyd:Well... Uh... He wanted to show you a scrap book he made, of you two... He spent days on it... When you screamed for him to go away... He just kinda went back to me and Cole, he just left the scrap book on the floor and walked to his room...
Nya:Oh... How could I have been so selfish? I haven't been thinking of his feelings... I never really think before I act... If I could go back in time, I'd just answer the door and let him just show me the scrap book... But that's no what I did... Is the scrap book still around?
Lloyd:Oh, yeah... After he left the scrap book, I grabbed it and just stored it away... Hang on, lemme grab it...
~10 Minutes Later, After Reading The Scrap Book!~
Lloyd:Yeah... He did a really good job...☺️
~~~3 Weeks Prior, After Defeating Garmadon!~~~
Nya runs up to Jay, tackling him to the ground, in the few moments, no words were spoken nor needed... Jay kisses Nya passionately and eagerly on the lips, she was caught off guard by this, but soon enough, she kissed back...
Well, sadly, I have to end this chapter right here because... I kinda think the chapter is already perfect!
This is NinjagoJaya... Peace out!

Though I feel like this is more Lloya than Jaya...

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