💚Royalty (AU)💚

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Ok, so umm, I lied ok? I told y'all that I was gonna do another chapter on Goodbye (SO NOT!) but, I came up with this stupid garbage, so... This wouldn't leave ma brain until I wrote so here ya go... Nya and Jay have...- I'm sorry but I love Lloyd being adopted, it's like an addiction or something... Oh! And did I mention that Garmadon and Misako are now DEAD?!!?
Nya was stood infront of her mirror, while her King, Jay hugged her from behind... Lloyd ran in the room, with his stuffed dragon... Jay caught Lloyd and picked him up...
Jay:Now hold on~ there Mighty Green Dragon, that's not how a little prince acts...
Nya:Jay, honey leave him be, he's 6...
Nya:*takes Lloyd from Jay* Now, let's get you dressed, so we can head to my brother's...
Jay:I'll dress him up, honey...
Lloyd:Yay! Daddy gon' dress me upp!!
~At Kai and Skylor's castle!~ (Yes, each of Leh Ninja couple have their own castle!)
Kai:Guards! Our guests will arrive soon!!
Sky:Kai, sweetheart... No need to be high and mighty and commanding... *snuggles against Kai's arm*
Kai:*smiles warmly* Ok then...
Then one of the guards entered the throne room
Guard:My good king, your guests have arrived!
Kai: Alright then! We'll be meeting them outside!
Kai and Skylor walked out of the castle, Lloyd jumps out of the carriage with his stuffed dragon in his hands, Nya he Jay came out after a second or two... Nya picks up Lloyd while Jay closed the door to the carriage
Nya:Kai! Hey!
Kai:*runs over to Nya and squeezes her very tightly* Hey lil sis
Nya:K-Kai... I can't breathe...
Kai:*frees Nya* Sorry lil sis... I JUST MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!
Nya:Me too, Kai... Me too...
Kai:So, shall we head inside? I have cookies on the table~
Lloyd ran to the gates only to be stopped by a guard... He looked up to the guard...
Guard:Who are you?
Nya:*from a bit of a distance* He's my son... So let him pass...
Guard:He doesn't look like any of you, therefore, he is not allowed...
Lloyd:*deep voice* I'll have you know, that my father can kill you in an instant with one strike of his lightning element... If you don't let me pass, I'll make sure you get a quick punishment... *summons lightning at his fingertips* *eyes glow electric blue*
Guard:Puh-lease! I'm highly trained! I can fight you off!
Sky:I wouldn't underestimate him, if I were you... That kid's got some mad skills in combat...
Guard:With all due respect ma'am! This kid has nothing against me!!
Lloyd:*touches guard's leg and paralyses him* Don't say I didn't warn you... *walks in the castle*
Nya:*chuckles* New guard in the brigade?
Kai:Yeah... Lloyd's really something else...
Nya:What did you expect? He's the grandson of the First Spinjitzu Master, son of Lord Garmadon, nephew of Wu, The Legendary Green Ninja, Master of Elements, now adoptive son of Queen Nya and King Jay... Isn't that enough titles to hold?
Kai:Too many in my opinion... *chuckles* Now come on, let's go inside...
(Oh my god, I just noticed that my rank just dropped to 27... I need to update...)
~After Lunch!~
Lloyd was in the courtyard, with a wooden katana, training... 2 guards were by the entrance, watching the green clad boy train...
Guard1:Dang, that boy trains harder than we do...
Guard2:What did you expect? He's the adoptive son of Queen Nya and King Jay, those two royals are the masters at combat...
Guard1:I would be careful around them when they're mad...
Lloyd:*from a distance* You better be... *dodges the training dummy's punch and swings katana at it* The two are like a massive storm when they're both mad... They can wipe you away in just a millisecond...
Lloyd:*from a distance* Yeah, believe me, even I'm terrified of angering them... *dodges rubber kunai* Anyway... *charges up lightning powers and shocks training dummy to turn it off* Why are you talking about my parents? *notices black hooded figure above the gates* *raises eyebrow*
Guard1:Oh, I'm very sorry Master Lloyd... If we did insult you...
Lloyd:No, it's fine... I'm just saying... *follows black hooded figure with his sight* Stay here... *jumps up the gates after the hooded figure passes it*
Lloyd follows the hooded figure, on the castle's walls... Looks like the hooded figure sensed that he was being trailed, so it walked faster, and faster and faster... Soon, it was running, and Lloyd was too, he was hot in pursuit... Lloyd pulled out his (real) katana... He jumped over the figure... But when Lloyd landed, the figure already had it's weapon at the ready... They both charged for each other... Metal clashed, making a loud noise... Alerting all of the guards near the vicinity... The guards all climbed up the wall... The hooded figure beated all of them with ease... Now it was to between Lloyd and it...
Lloyd:Who even are you?! And what do you want?!!?
???:All I want is you and your mother...
Lloyd:*growls* Why?!
???:I only seek one thing...
Lloyd:And, what's that?
Lloyd knew that voice sounded familiar... Then something clicked in his head... NADAKHAN!!
Lloyd:How did you even escape the Teapot of Tyranh (Did I spell dat rite?) again, Nadakhan?
Nada:Ahh, you finally figured it out...
Lloyd:*growls* I'll make sure you get a quick consequence for coming out of teapot...
Nada:Oh yeah? Then what is it?
Lloyd:*smirks* I wish you human!!
Cheeto Man, turns human... Making him powerless...
Then, 5 guards came up the castle's fortified wall...
Lloyd:Seal this man in a dungeon... And keep him heavily guarded...
Guards:Yes Master Lloyd!
The guards took Nadaboi away... Lloyd jumped down the castle's fortified walls, only to be met with an angry Jay and Nya...
Nya:Lloyd! Oh you're ok!!  *hugs him tightly*
Lloyd:Yeah, I'm fine... Why wouldn't I be?
Jay:You know that was Nadakhan!! He could've done ANYTHING TO YOU!!
Jay accidentally raises his voice at Lloyd, making him flinch... Even though he didn't do anything wrong... Lloyd walks over to the training area and starts punching the METAL training dummy, with his bare hands...
Nya:Jay, Love... You know how sensitive Lloyd is with raised voices...
Jay:I know... I really didn't mean to scream at him...
Nya: He'll be fine... Don't worry... He just needs some time off...
~With Lloyd~
Lloyd's knuckles began to hurt... But he didn't care about that... Then they started to bleed... Lloyd stopped punching the dummy then he remembers something, that was locked away in the back of his mind for a very long time...
~Flashback... 3 Years Ago~
Lloyd was in his playpen... Playing with his blocks... Lloyd stood up and tried to climb over his playpen walls... Instead, he only knocked over the table with a very expensive vase on it... The vase fell, which alerted Garmadon... He ran to the living room, when he got there... He was in shock...
~End of Flashback~
Lloyd had to stop his flashback... It was to terrorizing... Lloyd closed his eyes for a moment and reopened them... He sat down on the floor criss-cross meditation pose... Lloyd began to calm down... He knew that Jay didn't mean to raise his voice at him...
Lloyd:What did I ever do?...
Lloyd stood up and walked to the horse stables... He saw Dash... His horse... Lloyd petted Dash before he climbed up on him... Lloyd grabbed his reigns and flicked them, Dash took off, at high speeds... They went to their favorite spot... The river... Lloyd got off of Dash and sat by the river... Dash was right beside him eating a bit of grass... Thanks to Lloyd's earth powers... He can talk to Dash...
Dash:*earth element* Yeah, Lloyd?
Lloyd:What does it feel like to be a horse? I always wanted to know...
Dash:*earth element*Well, it's really cool, not gonna lie... Because I can run real fast!
Lloyd:Yeah, I felt that... *chuckles*
Dash:*earth element* Is there something you want to talk about?
Lloyd:Yeah, there is...
Dash:*earth element* What is it? You can tell me...
Lloyd: It's just that... I hate it when someone raises their voice at me... It's scary...
Dash:*earth element* Why though?
Lloyd: Because, that's what my Dad always did to me even with the smallest accident...
Dash:*ee (I'll do that...)* Jay?
Lloyd:No, Garmadon...
Dash*ee* Oh... Believe me, even my old owner screams at me too with the smallest mistakes...
Lloyd:Guess we have something in common...
Dash:*ee* We should better head back... It's already somewhere around 4...
Lloyd:I guess so... But I really want to stay here for just a bit longer...
Dash:*ee* Ok then... We'll go home when you want...
~20 Minutes Later~
Lloyd: Let's go Dash... *gets up on Dash*
Dash:*ee* Alright, you just sit back! I'll take us home!
Lloyd:Thanks buddy...
The two made their way back to the castle, where Nya and Jay, were waiting for them at the gates... Lloyd had his head hung low... He knew he was going to get scolded again... So, he asked Dash quietly to slow down to walk speed... They walked to the stables, Lloyd got off Dash and petted him for a moment... Lloyd left the stables and went back to the gates...
Lloyd:Go on...
Then Nya quickly hugged Lloyd tightly... Jay did too... After a few seconds... They were surprised that Lloyd didn't hug back...
Nya:Lloyd? What's wrong?
Lloyd:I thought I'm supposed to be scolded for running off...
Jay:No, we knew you needed some time alone... We were just waiting for you to come back... We didn't expect you to be riding on Dash... Who even taught you horse riding?
Lloyd:Guess, Dash did...
Jay:Dash did, but ho-
Nya:Oh, yeah right... Should we get back home
Jay:What's up Lloyd?
Lloyd:Can I take Dash home?
Kai:Yeah, you can Lloyd...
Lloyd ran to the stables and jumped on Dash... He flicked the reigns and Dash took off, they went to the gates... Nya and Jay hopped in their carriage... The trio took off, with Lloyd in the lead... They went back to their castle
~Back at their castle!~
Lloyd went to their stables and jumped off Dash... Lloyd petted him, before he closed Dash's pen area... Lloyd went in the castle... He ran to his bedroom, which was connected to Nya and Jay's room, he ran in their room, where Nya was now in her night gown... And Jay was behind her... Lloyd went to his room and changed into his pj's he walks back to Nya and Jay's room, he jumped on their mega-sized bed... Nya hugged Lloyd... Whatever happens, they'll always be a family... Jay began to tickle Lloyd... He started to laugh like crazy, Lloyd fell on his side, still laughing... Nya just giggled at her husband and son's attitude... Jay was the one who said that's not how royals act, but here he is anyway... Having a tickle war with their son, Lloyd... Nya joined in on the fun... She began to tickle Jay this time, but he caught her, and started to tickle her sides, he knew that was her little weak spot... Nya started to laugh like crazy too... They ended the night with a bedtime story for Lloyd... Nya kissed Lloyd's cheek goodnight, and Jay fist bumped him goodnight... Lloyd fell asleep after a few minutes... The duo went to their bedroom... Nya began to cuddle into Jay's chest... Hearing his heartbeat always made her calm... Jay began to run his hand through Nya's raven black, silky, and straight hair... Which was out of it's usual ponytail... They both fell asleep, cuddling each other... Jay still had his signature cheerful smile... Nya was comfy... Goodnight Ninjago...
Boom!!!! That's another one!!
NJ out! And... SEE YA!!

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