The way that I do

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You will never see me
the way that I see myself.
Because no one will ever be able
To see me that way.
Because no one should be able
To see me that way.
No one should be able to see me
The way that I see myself.

No one ever should see
Themselves the way I see me.
No one should ever feel the way
That I do.
No one should ever be as broken,
As dark, as sad,
As I am.
Because no one deserves that.
No one deserves to die that way.
Slowly suffocating on their own breath,
From their own body and mind shutting down
As they miss the opportunity to live the best of their life's.
No one should ever be in that state.

No one will ever be able to see me
the way that I do,
Because I don't want them to.


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