I figured

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From time to time
At places I won't ever go back to.
With people
I loved,
I appreciated
And later myself opened to.
We joked,
Danced and wanted to fly.
All together.
Forever and always.

But now.
I figured.
You don't want me anymore.
With you,
At anytime
At places I won't ever go to.
With people
You love,
You appreciate
And give my heart away.
You joke,
You dance and go fly away.
All without me.
All because I figured
You didn't want me anymore.

As your love turned into hatred,
Your appreciation into abandonment
And you bathed in my crimson red blood.
As our jokes turned into mean comments,
The dances into punching me
And the want to fly away into a need.
Just to me,
Because I figure you didn't want me anymore.


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