I've been so good

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I've been so good,
I've been happy and friendly.
I've been so good,
Why is it that I'm still feeling empty.

I've been so good,
So why?
Why is it getting harder?
Ive been so good,
But I'm still no head starter.

I've been so good,
So happy and friendly.
So helpful and never complaining.
I've been so good,
But these thoughts are still remaining.

I've been so good,
So why?
Why am I still going here?
I've been so good,
But they still appear.

But please don't leave me,
I need your help.
I will even stop complaining.
Can I stay forever,
And keep you?
So you can tell me what's wrong?
Because I don't know.
Because I've been so good,
But not anymore.

inspired by karma from AJR

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