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The date of marriage approached like nothing. "I don't want to marry him." I let out a tired sigh. "Everything would be okay. Believe me." Eun-bi was there to make me think positive. "Eun-bi... I'll miss you." I cried out. "Me too."

"Y/N let's go. It's almost the time." I heard my mother coming in the room. Eun-bi fixed my veil, and lend me her hand to help me up. "Everything would be okay... Okay?" Eun-bi tried to cheer me up, but it wasn't working. But still I flashed a smile to her so that she wouldn't feel bad. She smiled back and holding my hand, she took me towards the hall.

Author's POV*

Y/N wore a beautiful red hanbok, while Namjoon wore blue—together, the two colors, represent the balance of complementary entities. The colors that the bride and groom wear are symbolic of  yin and yang. The marriage occur at dusk, representing the balance between light and dark as well. The mother of Y/N wore a pink Hanbok, while Namjoon's mother wore a blue one.

Namjoon parade to the Y/N's house on a horse. The two mothers walked in first, each with their own candles. Y/N's mother carried a red candle and the Namjoon's mother carried a blue candle. Just like the red and blue clothing, these two colors symbolize the balance of cosmic forces that occur in nature. When the mother reached the end of the processional, they light one single candle, symbolizing the beginning of the wedding.

Namjoon covered his face with a veil, walking down the aisle, into Y/N's house. Being followed by a man, who is carrying the wooden goose. He along with the man stopped at their places. The man handed the wooden goose to Namjoon and he took it respectfully. Namjoon got welcomed in Y/N's house. Namjoon and Y/N's father, after showing each other respect, Namjoon got leaded to the place where the marriage ceremony was about to held.

Jeonan-rye. The first ceremony took place. Namjoon, presented the goose to Y/N's family, symbolising fidelity to them, since geese are well known for never leaving their partner. Namjoon sat infront of the table and placed the goose on the table, placing its head in the east. He vowed for being United for the rest of his life as a husband and wife. Namjoon after making his vow, finally stood up. As Y/N's mother carried the table away, signalling that the first ceremony have came to an end.

Namjoon came out to the wedding area, standing straight on his place. His back facing the priest that was giving the instructions.

That's when Y/N enters the wedding area, with her attendants. Her heavy dress made it difficult to handle it on her own, that she had to take help from 2 other women there. One of which was Eun-bi. Now that both the bride and groom entered the wedding area, the ladies for help served the water to Namjoon, to wash his hands, the action that shows that he is purifying himself. The women folded his sleeves up and when he was done washing they dried his hands, unfolding his sleeves down again. Namjoon stood straight again at his spot, now facing the bride. The attendants also helped Y/N to wash her hands, showing that her body and heart are cleansed in the process. Y/N again stands at her place, with two of her attendants holding her. 

Gyobae-rye. The second ceremony. In which Y/N and Namjoon would look at each other for the very first time. Namjoon's and Y/N's attendants spread the mats. Namjoon standing on the east side of the table and Y/N on the west. Both of them came next to the table. According to the instructions given, Y/N bowed twice, showing the number associated with Yin, the female energy. Namjoon bowed once, proudly, showing the number associated with Yang, the male energy. Y/N bowed twice again, but in a shy manner now. Now Namjoon bowed once again, with confidence this time. There ended the second ceremony.

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