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"Namjoon, your lunch." Yes, I decided to pack lunch for him from now on since he skips breakfast and eats directly in evening. He takes the bag from my hand and leaves the house without even sharing a word. I was angry at him the whole morning and gave him a cold shoulder since I woke up... But he is Mr. Namjoon, his majesty have no issues with me giving him cold shoulder as if I am nothing but a trash so I had a but of changes in the plan. I'll care for him, I'll pamper him so so much that he starts to like me. Well, what if I gave him a cold shoulder and he ended up taking his as an opportunity to get closer to the woman he may be seeing- Well! No... I am overthinking, Namjoon can't do that. But he is a man after all and- And he us a GentleMAN after having intense fight between two of the spirits inside me, I violently shook my head to stop any more noises. "Are you okay my daughter?" Eomma said and I nodded with a warm smile. She is such a good woman. I miss my mother. How is the leg cramps of her, how is she? "Eommeo-nim." I said and she looked at me, keeping the glass she was drinking tea in, down. "Can... Can you ask my father to bring my mother here. I want to see her." I said and fiddled with my fingers. "Ofcourse My Treasure." She smiled and her eyes became even warmer. "When would you like to meet her?" "Tomorrow... Maybe in Noon." I said and she nodded her at acknowledgement. "I'll ask Namjoon's Appa about it." I nodded with a wide grin. I was so happy I was seeing my mother again after a few months.

The sun settled down and we all heard the creak sound of door notifying us that Namjoon is here. "I'm back." He said and I ran towards the door to fetch him but as clumsy as I was, I got stumbled in my Hanbok and fell flat of my face. Ouch, my nose hurts. "Miss are you okay?" One of the working lady who was about to head to Namjoon asked me and I sat properly and nodded my head while caressing my nose. "Miss your nose is bleeding." Another woman said. "Oh it's okay, it'll stop soone-" "Better get it treated or you'll loose alot of blood." They interrupted me and pulled me inside the guest room where they had their first aid kit. "What happened to Y/N?" I heard Eomma asking about my health to one of the woman, probably infront of Namjoon. "She got stumbled while she was running to fetch Young Mr. Kim and fell down hurting her nose resulting in bleeding." I heard. "Is she okay?" "She don't have any big wound as of now and she is being treated by one of the maid." "That's good. Namjoon you should look after her because you are directly or indirectly the reason for this." So he is not, I am the clumsy one, this is my fault not his, I want to be the one looking after him not vis-a-vis. "I guess she got contaminated by your disease." Namjoon have a DISEASE? Which disease is it? Why don't I know about it. "Mother? Do I have a disease I myself don't know about?" I heard his honey like sweet voice which sounded as if he was smiling. Man I wanted to see that Smile but I am being seated here in this soggy room and my faulter nose is being treated. "Your clumsiness is such a contaminative disease." She said and let out a laugh. "So son and mother is having a great laughter without the actual man?" I heard Namjoon's Appa. "Where is my dear daughter in law?" He asked. "She somehow hurted her nose and is getting treated." One if the working lady again repeated. "Namjoon are you passing your clumsiness on her?" He joked and laughed along his mother.

"How is your nose?" Eomma asked while we were seated accross the table to have our dinner. "It's fine eomma." I said and touched the dressed nose. "Namjoon shouldn't you be saying something?" I already knew what he was gonna say but anyway let's here him out for confirmation. "I'm" Sorry
"Sorry." Told y'all. "So dried." "So simple." his parents commented. "No need for that, it happened to me just because of my clumsiness." I said and digged into my platter. "So cute." "So understanding." His parents commented again making me smile at them cheekily.

"I'm going to sleep." I said and covered myself with the blanket when Namjoon was writing something in the moonlight.

I was about to front into my dream land when we both heard a knock on the door making me look at door in inverted cobra pose and Namjoon was sitting so he was looking elegant with the moonlight reflecting on his precious face. "Mr. And Mrs. Kim called your both downstairs." She said making me look at Namjoon in confusion oy to catch him looking at me too. I turned my gaze towards the door again. Sheet... I already threw the shoulder cover of Hanbok somewhere and I can't find it, Man I sleep like that, I mean it's so hot for me. I covered myself with the blanket ready to head downstairs when I felt a cloth landing on my shoulders. "They are clean." He said and went ahead leaving me dumbfounded with thousands of butterflies again.

"Namjoon, we are deeply hurt to see only Y/N pushing this wedding while you don't even show any affection to her." Her father said making me look at Namjoon who was listening to his complaints with his head bowed. "I'm sorry." "Isn't that Namjoon's?" Her mother pointed at the upper part of Hanbok that I was wearing. "Honey I think we disturbed something." "No Eomma... It's just mine are comfortable for her since they are big." Namjoon immediately explained. "Anyhow... I want Y/N to join Namjoon to his working space from now on." Her father said making me look at him in shock. "Okay Appa." He didn't denied? "You may leave." His mother said and we both headed towards our rooms with no absolute word. He was walking infront of me with me following him. "Namjoon, it's okay if you don't want me to join, I'm okay, I never felt that I am the one pushing the marriage-" "It's Appa's order, I'm going to follow it no matter what." So he is doing that just because it is his father's order? Doesn't he really want me to take there? "But I am a woman how can I-" "You are a human too." He said and was about to take a step further but stopped when I said something. "You really like me or not?" I asked feeling as if a weight was lifted off of my shoulders but who knew the weight was just lifted off so that a heavier weight could take it's place. Without answering anything Namjoon went into the room but now with more hurried steps. You always mess up everything Mrs. Kim Namjoon. I squealed at the new Nickname that I gave to myself and after calming myself down I headed to the room to see him already sleeping with his breath slow and steady on his mattress. I tip-toed and lied myself on mine and looked at the ceiling. He didn't denied to his father, that means he isn't having any extra marital affair outside, I knew it I always trusted him. And before I could know I was drifted off into sleep with excitement building inside me about seeing his working space and the outer world.

How clumsy someone can be? I turned to my side to look at her elegant face glowing in the moonlight. You really made me worried when you hurted your nose and the fact that it happened because of me hurted me even more. And...


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