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Months Passed

"Pass me that inkpot." I nodded and slid the inkpot towards the latter and as I did that the inkpot stumbled upon a bump that was apparantly there on the table and spoilt the papers he was working upon. I saw him frowning as he hurriedly picked his papers up but it all went in vain, because the paper was all drenched in the ink. Black ink. It was more like you were his personal assistant. But you respected him and didn't said anything.

Several weeks later

"Should we have sundubu-jiggae today?" I asked him and heard no reply, is he still mad at me because I happened to spill ink over his papers, well I deserve his silent treatment... I ruined approximately 400 sheets of his paperwork. I let out a sigh, another day and another failed attempt of talking to him. "It's fine, he'll soon forget and forgive. Don't worry." Eomma put her hand on my shoulders as he pressed it lightly to assure me. I nodded my head lightly and smiled at her but deep inside myself I could feel the weird hurting feeling inside my chest and stomach.

Days passed, Weeks passed, Months passed and years passed. As eomma said, Namjoon did forget and forgave me for ruining his paperwork but I didn't see our married life developing, we were same today as we were during our newly married days.

"I'm leaving." I heard him saying and didn't replied anything. Yes, it's been almost 2 years since I stopped accompanying him to the office, not only it was tiresome but also eomma should have someone at home to help her out with household chores. "Have a safe way there dear." Eomma replied and the door got closed indicating that he left.

I was stirring the food I was preparing for our lunch as I felt someone coming behind me. "Dear, what is it? Aren't you both happy with each other?" I heard her saying. "It's nothing like that eomma, I don't have any problem with him." I said and she just let out a sigh. "Why both both of act so distant? It was like that in the beginning because I understand that you both were newly weds and it takes time to get comfortable with each other, but it's been 4 years now." She kept her hand on my cheeks and looked at me, her eyes filled with nothing but worries. "Let me know if Namjoon doesn't treat you like a husband should treat her wife." "No eomma, he is nice to me and overall, he have works to do right? Maybe we lack conversations that's why we are not so close." I said as kept my hand over hers and she just nodded in acception.

"Thanks for the food." We were about to dig in but as we did we heard a knock on the door. "Namjoon-ssi we have another patient. The hospitals are full where should we keep him?" The silent was spread all over the room. Another day, another case. "I'm sorry I have to go." He just picked his chopsticks up to eat and kept it down, it didn't even touch the food. He got up and left in his nightclothes only. "The plague is uncontrollable now." "I'm worried for Namjoon, I hope he doesn't get contaminated." His mother started panicking. "Don't worry, nothing will happen to him. He protects everyone, god help those who help others." His dad assured her but deep inside my heart I was also worried for him. I don't know why i also lost my appetite just when Namjoon left the table.

"I don't have appetite, I'll keep the food, covered, in the kitchen." I took mine as well as Namjoon-ssi's plate off from the table and headed towards the kitchen.

The cold wind touched my face as some strands of my open hair dance with the breeze. The moon was quiet, bright, scary. My eyes were locked on the road waiting for him to show up. Not only he ate anything in the morning but also during the dinner. I acknowledge he is devoted to his job but that doesn't mean he can play with his health like that. He have his mother and father he should be looking behind instead of strangers he don't even know. He should keep his health, he should prioritise himself rather than his villagers. "Is he coming?" I heard a lady's voice as I turned around to find his mother. I shook my head with a heavy feeling inside my heart. "Don't worry dear. He'll be okay." He said as she stood next to me. "Isn't pneumonic plague highly contagious? Haven't out of 30, 17 people already died within 2 weeks who got infected by it? He knows this doesn't have any cure, right? He knows that the ruler have announced and ordered everyone strictly to stay at their home, right?" I asked as the tears flooded my eyes, they were genuine, they were out of care. I don't care if he doesn't see me the same, I don't care if doesn't care about me and his family. I want him safe. "How can I stay assure that he'll be fine?" With the words, tears departured from my eyes. "We'll talk to him about it. You should sleep, it's too late." She said and started left the room, tears in her eyes as well.

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