Catch up

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So book five. God are you fed up yet? I'm not :)

So this book will mainly focus on the trio in during the apocalypse.

I would like to remind you that Billie is referred to as Mum. And Wilhelmina is Wilhelmina again but I think that'll change quite fast.

Also, who else is in love with the colour for this book?! I think it's literally so cute on her!!!

Also, who else is in love with the colour for this book?! I think it's literally so cute on her!!!

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Ok so here is your ketchup:

Book 1:

Y/n is adopted by Venny, who falls in love with Billie, who kills herself. Y/n and Venny survive the apocalypse (sort of) because they're rescued by Michael Langdon, who we then find out is y/n's father.

Book 2:

Y/n and Venny are reunited with Billie, who marries Venny and then becomes pregnant with Michael's baby. Michael sacrifices himself for the child, who becomes Cordelia Goode who kills her family and runs away.

Book 3:

The family isn't dead, but y/n's fiancé died. Y/n finally forgives everyone and then Venny dies protecting her. Y/n kills Billie accidentally and then Michael comes back.

Book 4:

Michael saves Wilhelmina and then Cordelia fades and y/n rises as the supreme. Billie's spirit talks to Wilhelmina and warns her of another apocalypse and Mina and y/n have to reverse the clock back to the night y/n was taken in by Wilhelmina. Billie survives this apocalypse with y/n who hates Wilhelmina but then Jeff dies and y/n has to live with her and Billie, who she calls "Mum" (THAT IS SIGNIFICANT!).

Now you're all ketchuped, you can read this one :)

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