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2 months later...

Y/n's POV
I was sat in the common room alone. The Morning After was playing again. It was like Satan's Spotify playlist.

"I don't get how you can sit in here," Gallant said as he walked into the room.

"What do you mean?" I frowned.

"The song just kills me,"

"I don't mind it. I used to go to sleep with one song on repeat for hours so as long as I don't spend too long in here, it's bearable," I laughed.

"Don't you play guitar?"

"Guitar, piano, kalimba, clarinet, bass guitar, ukulele and drums. Why?"

"Do you have any of those here?"

"Yeah I have some guitars," I smiled.


"No way, Mum will kill me, sorry I meant Ms Venable," I corrected myself.

"You're calling her Mom again?"

"No. Mum with a "u" not an "o"," I laughed.

"Oh shut up," he laughed, "wait 'til she's in bed and then do it,"

"Hmm, OK," I smiled.

"REALLY?!" He screamed.

"Shhh! If mum finds out I'm dead! You round everyone up. We can hold it in the dining room. I can set up my equipment on that balcony on the top so it's easier for you to see me,"

"Sounds good, when should we do it?"

"Tonight, go tell everyone but make sure Venny doesn't know! Or Billie, she might tell Mum,"

"OK," and then he was gone.

I ran upstairs to my room and started to pick out my equipment.

This is what I chose:

This is what I chose:

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Once picking out my guitar, amp and lead, I pushed open my door and ran down to the dining room with my items, making sure I didn't see anyone on my way there

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Once picking out my guitar, amp and lead, I pushed open my door and ran down to the dining room with my items, making sure I didn't see anyone on my way there.

I hid my guitar behind a bookshelf. My amp and wire, I took upstairs to the balcony and hid them up there.

Dinner was slow but everyone kept giving me knowing looks.

"Hey Ms Mead?" I asked after everyone had left.


"Would you like to come to my concert later? It's secret though so you can't tell Mrs Howard, either of them," I added.

"Sure," and then she was gone.

The time finally came around where both Mums were asleep. Gallant and I rounded everyone up and I retrieved my guitar from the bookshelf, before plugging it in once I was on the balcony.

Once everyone was in the room, we closed the doors and I started.

(For the concert, you played any ten random songs from the Venny playlist)

I ended with one of my favourites,

(I only discovered this last night and I already know all the chords and lyrics. I'm literally obsessed, although I don't like much Billie Eilish- this is a bop!!)

As I hit the last note on my guitar, the doors to the dining room burst open.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN HERE?!" A very pissed off Ms Venable screamed. She scanned over the room quickly, probably looking at who had shown up to punish them later. Just then, my guitar strap slipped off the bottom strap peg of my guitar, resulting in my white telecaster dropping from the balcony and landing right in front of Mum. If she had been a meter closer, she would have been hit.

Her eyes shot up to me as she came into the room a little further. She picked up my guitar, and looked me dead in the eyes, before walking over to the huge fireplace and dropping it into the dancing flames, never breaking eye contact.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" I screamed as I watched the flames lick up the white body of my guitar that was turning black, "GET IT OUT! STOP IT! IM SORRY! ITS MY FAULT JUST SAVE IT!" I sobbed and dropped to my knees in front of her, tears running down my face.

But her expression stayed cold and heartless, as she watched me try to pull my guitar from the fire, which was unsuccessful.

"Everyone back to your rooms," she growled, before leaving the room without another glance at me.

"COME BACK HERE, YOU BITCH!" I shrieked, making her turn abruptly.

"What did you just call me?" She smirked.

"BITCH! YOU'RE EVIL THAT IS ONE OF THE LAST THINGS I HAVE FROM MUM!" I screamed. Apart from my blanket and one or two other small items, that guitar was the only thing I had left from when my biological mother was still alive.

"YOU WILL NEVER CALL ME THAT AGAIN! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" She boomed, her voice echoing throughout the room, which was silent apart from the spitting, hungry flames behind me, as they consumed the rest of my guitar.

I said nothing, just glared at her.


"Oh shut up," I snarled as I pushed past her and left the room, leaving her and everyone else staring at me.

Help Me part 5 Where stories live. Discover now